This article discusses the importance of phosphorus in foods, the recommended intake, and dietary sources. Take a look.

What Is Phosphorus? Why Is It Important?

After calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. And what makes it important are its various functions – it acts a building block for the bones and teeth and even helps the body store energy. Phosphorus, along with calcium, offers protection against bone ailments like osteoporosis. Phosphorus also helps filter waste and repairs tissues and cells. And guess what, this mineral also contributes to the production of DNA and RNA – our genetic building blocks. Which is why phosphorus is important. And which is why we will see what foods contain it in abundance.

What Are The Foods Rich In Phosphorus?

The top dietary sources of phosphorus are:

Soybeans Flaxseeds Lentils Navy beans Oats Pinto beans Quinoa Swiss cheese Sardines Dried peas

1. Soybeans

1 cup contains 1309 mg of phosphorus (meets 131% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Soybeans are a good source of protein and an excellent source of B vitamins as well. And the isoflavones found in soybeans can alleviate menopause symptoms (1). However, take care if you have thyroid issues – as soybeans (or soy) are known to suppress thyroid activity. You can simply spread soy cream cheese on your breakfast toast. Or add soy cream to your coffee or tea.

2. Flaxseeds (Whole)

1 tablespoon of whole flaxseeds contains 65.8 mg of phosphorus (meets 7% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Flaxseeds are also extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, one tablespoon of flaxseeds contains 1.8 grams of omega-3s. And these omega-3s are beneficial for the heart and brain. Flaxseeds also contain lignans that possess antioxidant qualities. Just add about 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds to your breakfast smoothie. Or mix a tablespoon with yogurt and raw honey.

3. Lentils

1 cup contains 866 mg of phosphorus (meets 87% of your daily phosphorus requirement) High in protein, lentils are one of the healthiest foods you can lay your hands upon. They also contain fiber, potassium, and folate – all of which contribute to heart health. The folate can also aid in pregnancy and prevent neural tube defects in newborns. You can use lentils, especially the red variety, in Indian dals and purees. Or use green salads to top your evening vegetable salad.

4. Navy Beans

1 cup contains 846 mg of phosphorus (meets 85% of your daily phosphorus requirement) In addition to phosphorus, navy beans also help you meet your daily magnesium needs – a mineral that controls your muscle function and supports cell metabolism. Navy beans have a low glycemic index, making them a favorite among diabetics. You can include fresh navy beans in your evening soup.

5. Oats

1 cup contains 816 mg of phosphorus (meets 82% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Oats are healthy. We know that. They help prevent constipation and regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. They also act as a soothing agent and improve skin health. And yes, they are a wonderful breakfast food. Have oats for breakfast. You can also add them to your breakfast smoothie.

6. Pinto Beans

1 cup contains 793 mg of phosphorus (meets 79% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Pinto beans are also rich in polyphenols that help slow tumor growth. They reduce inflammation and aid in cancer treatment. They also keep blood pressure levels in check, and hence offer hope to diabetics. Adding the beans to your evening salad is the easiest way to include them in your diet.

7. Quinoa

1 cup contains 777 mg of phosphorus (meets 78% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Quinoa is also rich in insoluble fiber, which can induce satiety and ultimately aid weight loss. It also contains another super-nutrient, lucasin, which has shown to offer incredible advantages in cancer treatment (2). Probably the most interesting way to consume quinoa seeds is to prepare your own energy bars with them. You can combine two cups of the seeds with whole wheat flour and nuts and dry fruits and chocolate. Bake at 375o F for 20 minutes.

8. Swiss Cheese

1 slice contains 159 mg of phosphorus (meets 16% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Probably the best thing about Swiss cheese is its probiotic content. A particular probiotic it contains (called P. freudenreichii) is known to enhance longevity. And like most dairy products, the cheese is good for your bones. It also contains a good amount of vitamin A that improves skin and vision health. You can spread Swiss cheese on your breakfast toast.

9. Atlantic Sardines

1 Atlantic sardine contains 59 mg of phosphorus (meets 6% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Sardines are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids on the planet. And omega-3s are beneficial for your heart and brain and also offer numerous skin benefits. They also have high levels of calcium and vitamin D, ensuring greater bone strength. You can take a can of sardines and pour them into a bowl. Add your favorite veggies and mash with a spoon and have as a healthy evening snack.

10. Dried Peas

1 cup contains 721 mg of phosphorus (meets 72% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Dried peas are some of the very good sources of fiber – both soluble and insoluble. The former helps lower cholesterol levels while the latter improves bowel movement. The peas are also rich in iron. Simply toss some peas into your vegetable salad.

11. Lima Beans

1 cup contains 685 mg of phosphorus (meets 69% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Another nutrient lima beans are rich in is molybdenum. This nutrient is particularly helpful for people suffering from sulfite sensitivity – the symptoms of which include headache, confusion, and rapid heart rate. Adding them to your vegetable salad is the simplest way to go about it.

12. Sesame Seeds

1 cup contains 906 mg of phosphorus (meets 91% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Sesame seeds also contain compounds called phytosterols that help lower cholesterol levels. The seeds even help balance hormones and, in particular, improve the production of sex hormones. You can garnish your salad with the seeds for a nutty and crunchy taste.

13. Rye

1 cup contains 632 mg of phosphorus (meets 63% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Rye is also particularly rich in magnesium and iron – nutrients vital to fight fatigue and tiredness. And the zinc in rye helps boost the immune system. Have rye flakes for breakfast.

14. Brown Rice

1 cup contains 185 mg of phosphorus (meets 62% of your daily phosphorus requirement) The magnesium content of brown rice works great for heart health. And since it is naturally gluten-free, it can be the go-to food for people who are gluten-intolerant. Brown rice has also been found to cut diabetes risk. Replace white rice with brown rice in your rice preparations.

15. Peanuts

1 cup contains 523 mg of phosphorus (meets 52% of your daily phosphorus requirement) These nuts are rich in energy – which basically means a handful of them can keep your energy levels high. Peanuts also improve heart health and seem to enhance longevity – and more importantly, they are not as expensive as other nuts. You can have them boiled. Adding salt only makes them even more delicious. You can also top your salads with peanuts.

16. Barley

1 cup contains 486 mg of phosphorus (meets 59% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Barley also improves your daily intake of manganese and selenium – two nutrients vital for brain functioning. And in addition to phosphorus, other nutrients like calcium and magnesium contribute to bone health. The zinc in barley also helps in collagen production. Adding barley to soup or stew can make it more fulfilling.

17. Almonds

1 oz (23 almonds) contains 137 mg of phosphorus (meets 14% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Being rich in protein and fiber, almonds can keep you full and discourage binging (3). These nuts are also rich in vitamin E, a vital nutrient for skin and hair health. And the best part – they are incredibly tasty! You can chew on raw almonds in the morning. Or add them to your breakfast oats or smoothie.

18. Eggs

1 medium egg contains 84 mg of phosphorus (meets 8% of your daily phosphorus requirement) They are the complete food. And they are best known for their inexpensive and high-quality protein. They are also rich in vitamin B2 and numerous other nutrients essential for healthy functioning of the body. Whole eggs are the best. You can also slice whole eggs and add them to your salads.

19. Atlantic Salmon

½ fillet contains 449 mg of phosphorus (meets 45% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Salmon is another fish that is an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it also is a great source of protein and B vitamins.  The fish benefits the heart and promotes weight control. Adding chopped salmon to your vegetable or fruit salad can work wonders.

20. Tempeh

1 cup contains 442 mg of phosphorus (meets 44% of your daily phosphorus requirement) This fermented soybean contains probiotics – bacteria that can enrich your gut health. Tempeh is also rich in manganese that can help fight diabetes. Tempeh atop a salad tastes great. You can also add it to your everyday curry.

21. Chicken

½ chicken breast (bone and skin removed) contains 196 mg of phosphorus (meets 20% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Probably the favorite food of many. Chicken is loaded with protein that helps build muscles and maintain the skeletal tissues. It also is a great source of selenium that can fight cancer and other degenerative diseases like heart disease and infections. Sliced chicken can be added to vegetable salads for a tasty treat.

22. Sunflower Seeds

1 cup contains 304 mg of phosphorus (meets 30% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Another nutrient sunflower seeds are rich in is vitamin E, which protects the body’s cells from damage from free radicals. It can also work with other nutrients to keep up your vision and prevent eye diseases like macular degeneration. Snack on them alone or add them to your breakfast oatmeal. You can also use sunflower seed oil as a better alternative to vegetable oil.

23. Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)

1 cup contains 276 mg of phosphorus (meets 28% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Garbanzo beans are one of the best plant sources of protein. They also are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium – which allows one to make them a staple in their diet without any concerns. They also contain other phytonutrients like quercetin and phenolic acids – which have antioxidant properties and fight free radicals. You can include the beans in your evening soup.

24. Tuna

1 can contains 269 mg of phosphorus (meets 27% of your daily phosphorus requirement) It’s the omega-3s, again. Because of which tuna is a great food for heart health. It also is low in calories and high in protein – which is why you can make it your regular protein source instead of those unhealthy fatty meats. But with tuna, and with fish in general, be aware of the mercury content. White tuna is particularly high in mercury. Canned tuna can be a good way to include this fish in your diet.

25. Kidney Beans

1 cup contains 244 mg of phosphorus (meets 24% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Often called ‘poor man’s meat’, kidney beans are inexpensive and a great plant source of protein (4). They also are rich in fiber, also called resistant starch, which plays a pivotal role in weight management. The resistant starch in kidney beans also functions as a probiotic and improves gut health. You can boil a handful of kidney beans and have them along with a pinch of salt as a sumptuous afternoon snack.

26. Tofu

½ cup contains 239 mg of phosphorus (meets 24% of your daily phosphorus requirement) It is a good source of protein. And it contains all the eight essential amino acids. Other nutrients it is rich in are iron, calcium, manganese, and selenium. However, tofu also contains certain antinutrients like lectins and phytates that can block the functioning of a few important enzymes in the body. To eliminate these antinutrients, you can cook or soak the soybeans. You can add creamy silken tofu to your smoothie or milkshake. Or simply soak extra-firm cubes of tofu in your soup. But stay away from tofu if you have thyroid issues as it is known to suppress thyroid function.

27. Yogurt

1 cup contains 233 mg of phosphorus (meets 23% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Yogurt comes from milk. So, you will get a dose of animal protein and other nutrients like calcium and B vitamins – responsible for optimal metabolism and energy. Plain yogurt can do the trick. You can also add your favorite fruit to it and have it before bedtime.

28. Potatoes

1 large potato contains 210 mg of phosphorus (meets 21% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Potatoes are also rich in potassium, a mineral beneficial for the heart as it helps regulate blood pressure (5). They also contain vitamin C, which enhances immunity and skin and hair health. Add them to your salad. Boiled and mashed potatoes with some salt can also make for a tasty evening treat.

29. Cod

1 fillet of cod contains 202 mg of phosphorus (meets 20% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Another fish with a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It also is a good source of vitamin B12 and selenium – great nutrients for brain health. You can bake it or fry it or poach it. You can also add it to salads.

30. Green Peas

1 cup contains 187 mg of phosphorus (meets 19% of your daily phosphorus requirement) Green peas also are specifically rich in vitamin K, a nutrient important for bone health and blood coagulation. They also contain decent levels of folate and vitamin A, which are required for brain and vision health respectively. Toss a few green peas into your vegetable salad. Or add them to yogurt and have it before bedtime. That’s with the list of foods rich in phosphorus. But the real deal is getting adequate amounts of the nutrient on a regular basis. Are you? Warning: People with chronic kidney disease must stay away from foods rich in phosphorus – the kidneys cannot remove excess phosphorus in the blood efficiently. Excess phosphorus can cause changes in the body, pulling calcium out of your bones and making them weak. Too much of the mineral can also lead to dangerous phosphorus deposits in the blood vessels, lungs, eyes, and the heart (6).

Are You Getting Enough Phosphorus?

There are certain symptoms that can help you check if you are getting enough phosphorus. The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include:

anxiety lack of appetite irregular breathing numbness irritability weakness and fatigue stiff joints fragile bones

The following table speaks about the recommended daily allowance of phosphorus. There isn’t enough information on the values for pregnant and breastfeeding women. So, consult a doctor for details. And how do you increase your phosphorus intake? Simple. By including in your diet the foods we mentioned in this post. Or you can also take supplements. Oh, wait, supplements?

What About Phosphorus Supplements?

Phosphorus supplements are fine as far as you don’t rely only on them. Include the relevant foods in your diet – and if required, you can take supplements too. There is little information on the interactions phosphorus supplements can possibly have. One such interaction is with potassium supplements – using them along with phosphorus supplements can result in hyperkalemia (excessively high levels of potassium in the blood), leading to serious heart problems (7). Are bananas high in phosphorus? Yes, bananas are moderately high in phosphorous, with each 100 grams containing between 22mg to 42.45 mg of phosphorous. Are sweet potatoes high in phosphorus? Yes, sweet potatoes are moderately high in phosphorous with each 100 grams of canned and mashed sweet potatoes containing around 52 mg of phosphorus. Is broccoli high in phosphorus? Broccoli is slightly high in phosphorus, containing between 47mg to 66mg of phosphorus per 100 grams.
