Top 12 Ayurvedic Tonic Or Syrup For Weight Gain

1. Khushmanda Avaleha Rasayana

Khushmanda is ash gourd and as the name suggests, khushmanda avaleha is a ash gourd jam. It also contains ginger, black pepper, pippali, cardamom, coriander seeds, patra, white caraway seeds, and honey. It helps to boost the immunity and improve strength. Khushmanda avaleha can also help you gain weight by improving your digestion and absorption of food.

12 years and above – 5-15 gm with milk before or after a meal twice a day. 5-12 years – 5 gm with milk before or after a meal twice a day.

Prepare this in a copper vessel.

2. Swamala Compound

This is also a herbal jam that helps to gain weight. Its main ingredients are Suvarna, Chyawanprash, Kantaloha Bhasma, Roupya Bhasma, Pravala Pishti, Makardhwaj, Rajata Bhasma, and Abhrak Bhasma. It energizes your body and strengthens your immunity. It also helps to balance your Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. 1-2 teaspoons twice a day followed by a glass of milk. Should not be given to pregnant or lactating women and children.

3. Patanjali Badam Pak For Weight Gain

One of the best products of Patanjali is Patanjali Badam Pak. It helps to build inner strength, aids weight gain, prevents mental fatigue, microbial infections, stress, and constipation. The main ingredients are almond, ghee, cardamom, jaiphal, saffron, cinnamon, swarna bhasma, pistachio, and clove.

Children – 5 gm in milk twice a day Adults – 10 gm in milk twice a day Pregnant & Lactating women – 10 gm with water twice a day

Add chopped apples to enhance the taste and nutritional value.

 4. Chyavanprash

This is the most well-known Ayurvedic tonic for weight gain. It is a blend of herbs and contains many vital nutrients that help to increase weight and improve overall health. It can be consumed by people of all ages and gender without any problems. It spurs weight gain by hastening digestion which causes you to feel hungry sooner and also would increase your appetite. Its main ingredients are amla, honey, sesame oil, guduchi, and ghee.

13-19 years – 1-2 teaspoons 20-60 years – 2-3 teaspoons Above 60 years – 1-2 teaspoons Pregnant women – ½ a teaspoon Lactating women – 1 teaspoon

Add chyavanprash to a glass of warm milk and drink it to gain weight.

5. Shatavari

Shatavari, whose literal meaning is having a hundred roots, is an effective medicine for weight gain. It is usually prescribed to women to support their reproductive system, digestion, and to balance the hormones during menopause. But it also helps in weight gain by balancing pitta and ensuring optimal body fluids.

Capsule – 1 capsule twice a day after meals. Powder – ¼ – ½ teaspoon with honey and milk. Liquid extract – ½ – 2 teaspoons per day.

Add honey to enhance taste and flavor. BUY NOW 

6. Ashwagandha Churna

The berries, leaves, and roots of Ashwagandha plant are used as a herbal medicine. It is also known as Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha churna helps to boost immunity, balance hormones, improve digestion, protect the liver, and increase energy. It can be used to gain weight as it helps increase appetite and improves absorption of nutrients. 300-500 mg per day. You can mix it with lemon juice.

7. Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Vasant kusumakar ras is a herbal medicine that contains minerals and a meager amount of heavy metals. It helps to treat diabetes, gastrointestinal and urinary disorders and helps protect the heart. It can also be taken to improve body mass and gain weight. The main ingredients present in vasant kusumakar ras are Malabar nut, lotus, banana tree, laksha, sugarcane, malti, pearl bhasma, coral bhasma, iron bhasma, lead calx, tin calx, gol bhasma, and silver bhasma. Adults – 125 mg per day. Pregnant and lactating women should consult their doctor before taking vasant kusumakar ras.

8. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a perennial flowering plant, consuming which can make you strong and healthy. It helps to increase appetite and thus used in tonics for weight gain. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals which boost the immunity and relieves stress and anxiety. Adults – 1 tablespoons thrice per day Children – According to doctor’s instructions You can add alfalfa sprouts to your salad.

9. Yashtimadhu

If you have a weak immune system, you will never be able to put on weight. Hence, you first need to strengthen your immune system. By taking Yashtimadhu not only will your immune system become strong, but you will also notice a significant improvement in your stamina and strength. Take Yashtimadhu as directed by your Ayurvedic physician and see how you start to gain weight! Adults – 1 tablet per day Pregnant and lactating women, diabetic patients, and high blood pressure patients should avoid it.

10. Annonna Squamosa

Annonna squamosa is the tree that bears sugar apples or custard apples. This tropical fruit is loaded with fruit sugar and other nutrients, which helps to strengthen immunity and to improve appetite. In fact, Annonna squamosa is perfect for you if you are looking to strengthen your muscles or overcome the debilitating effects of anorexia nervosa. 1-2 fruit per day Add sweet apple and banana to a glass of milk and blend it. Drink this super delicious drink for breakfast. So, these were the top 12 weight gain Ayurvedic tonics that will help you gain weight permanently. But are they all safe? Find out next. *Subject to Availability

Are Weight Gain Tonics Safe To Use?

 Yes, most Ayurvedic medicines are safe and do not have any side effects. But to be on the safer side, you must consult a doctor before taking any of these herbal medicines. It helps to seek doctor’s advice especially if you are pregnant, lactating, or have any medical complications. Now, before you start using the weight gain capsules, you must be aware of the factors that influence your inability to gain weight. Understanding the root cause will help you make informed decisions, and you will get quick and effective results.

Why Can’t I Gain Weight? 

Not being able to gain weight can be frustrating and can also affect you mentally. Here are a few reasons why you are not able to gain weight.


You are malnourished. You probably eat a lot, but you are not eating the right food. You must consume veggies, fruits, a good source of proteins, and healthy fats in order to gain weight. Take a look at this article where I have explained in detail about the diet for weight gain.

Too Much Cardio

 Cardio is good but not when you are not able to build muscle mass. You need to go for weight training so that your muscles undergo wear and tear. When muscles undergo wear and tear, they repair themselves when we rest, and they build themselves bigger and stronger. This way, the more you weight train, the more chances that you will start building muscle.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hypothyroidism can be the reason why you are not able to gain weight. Consult a doctor and start treatment as soon as possible.


 Scientists have found that a duplication in the short arm of chromosome 16 can prevent you from gaining weight. If this gene has been passed on to you from your parents or ancestors, then you might find it difficult to gain weight. Consult a doctor or a dietician to find the best possible ways to help you gain weight.

Eating Disorders 

Anorexia nervosa is a serious psychological disorder that has affected many. The fear of gaining weight leads to an unhealthy and sometimes fatal habit of forcing to vomit the food or not eating enough. Remember, being extremely underweight is as deadly and as unappealing as being obese. You have to strike a balance and try to be fit and active. Talk to a psychiatrist or call on anonymous helplines to take baby steps towards a healthier you.


If you are on any medication, ask your doctor if that can hinder your weight gain.


Stress can also be a factor why you are losing weight and not able to gain weight. You must meditate or do yoga or do things that make you happy for at least 20-30 minutes every day to reduce stress. Also, get proper sleep. To conclude, being underweight can lead to serious problems like weak immunity, malnourishment, hormonal imbalance etc. Eating more food will not solve the problem if your body doesn’t absorb the food. Plus, aim at building muscle and bone mass and not gaining flab. With the help of these weight gain tonics you will be able to gain weight if you also eat well and exercise. Talk to your doctor today and start taking these harmless Ayurvedic medicines and flaunt a healthy figure. Cheers! What is the best tonic to increase weight? You can take any of the above-mentioned tonics to gain weight. What is the best baby tonic for weight gain? Please talk to a pediatrician to help you. You must not give your baby these tonics without consulting the doctor. Which tonic will increase appetite or make me hungry? All the tonics mentioned in the article will help increase your hunger. Is the Dabur weight gain tonic good for weight gain? Dabur is one of the trusted brands in India. The other brands are also good and therefore make an informed decision before you buy any Ayurvedic weight gain tonic or weight gain syrup. What is the best blood tonic for weight gain? The weight gainer tonics or syrups work in a way to help boost the immunity, increase red blood cell count, support digestion and absorption of food etc. So, you can consume any one of the weight gain tonics recommended above to gain weight. Can I use Hamdard weight gain medicine? Talk to your doctor before taking this weight gain tonic. How can I gain weight fast? You can gain weight fast by eating right, in right quantities, training with weights, and taking these Ayurvedic weight gainer tonics.

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