Coconut Milk Side Effects

Let’s have a look at some of the side effects of coconut milk:

1. Abundant Saturated Fat

This is one of the most alarming coconut milk side effects. These fats may induce high cholesterol in your body. As such, it increases the level of lipoproteins that may be detrimental to health in the long term (1).

2. Can Cause Allergies

If you are allergic to tree nuts, this drink is certainly not meant for you. Coconut milk is recognized as a tree nut. And in some cases, it has been found that people allergic to tree nuts react badly to the fruit content in this milk. This is one of the most dangerous coconut milk effects as this can be life threatening in extreme cases (2).

3. Can Cause Weight Gain

With its high saturated fats and caloric content, coconut milk can certainly ruin your weight loss regimen. But, there is conflicting evidence regarding this claim. According to an animal study, a high-protein diet, along with coconut milk, may help in reducing weight gain (3). However, excessive usage of coconut milk in your daily diet may lead to weight gain.

4. May Lead To High Cholesterol

Is coconut milk bad for cholesterol? Those at the risk of high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases should refrain from consuming too much coconut milk because of its saturated fat content (1). But you need not abandon it. Just limit your intake to smaller servings!

5. May Cause Constipation

Due to high dietary fiber, coconut milk can cause digestive troubles in some people. Normally unsweetened coconut milk carries 14-18% of our daily dietary fiber intake. This sudden increment may cause diarrhea or gas, if your body is not accustomed to that much fiber. So, avoid increasing its intake instantly!

6. Loaded With Sugar

Even if you consume unsweetened coconut milk, you are at the risk of absorbing a high amount of sugar. While unsweetened coconut has 2.1 gm sugar in 1 ounce serving, it moves higher to 10.4 gm in sweetened coconut. In both the cases, it can make you obese with excessive intake. So, be alert!

7. High In Calories

In one cup of undiluted coconut milk, you can find 552 calories (4). It is nearly one third of the calories you need per day. So, including coconut milk in your daily diet may have a negative effect on your health.

8. Threatening Bisphenol – A (BPA)

While coconut milk has no direct connection with this chemical, canned milk certainly has. This compound is usually used in manufacturing the tins and cans in which it is stored. So, avoid using canned coconut milk. You should also read the label to buy brands that offer BPA-free containers.

9. Contains Guar Gum

Again, this is an issue related to canned coconut milk. As a polysaccharide, guar gum is the endosperm of guar beans. As such, it has been closely related to digestive problems in many people. If you also suffer from any gut issue, remove canned coconut milk from your diet. Rather use homemade or guar gum free coconut milk.

10. May Cause Fructose Malabsorption

Due to its mono saccharides and polyols, coconut milk increases the risk of irritable bowel disorders. It has sugar content, which probably leads to this disorder. Resultant to this fact, bacteria growth is propelled in the small intestine due to uneven transport of fructose to it. Is coconut milk inflammatory? No. Coconut milk contains anti-inflammatory compounds (5). How much coconut milk should you drink per day? It is safe to drink a glass of low-fat coconut milk daily.
