The silicone in hair serums helps strengthen and brighten your hair. It also helps reduce hair loss (2). Silicone-based serums have a lower pH level to minimize hair damage (1). Dimethicone and polysiloxane, used in most hair care products like serums, are known to protect the hair shaft and glue cuticle filers together to stop heat damage (1), (3). The active ingredients and amino acids in the hair serums penetrate deep into your hair and minimize hair breakage. Furthermore, hair serums provide great lubrication to the hair, which makes it easier to manage. Hair serum provides a ton of other benefits that are listed in the next section.

Benefits Of Hair Serum

Hair serum makes your hair shinier and healthier and reduces tangles. As the serum reflects light, it makes hair look lustrous and healthy. It also protects your hair from dust and humidity. Its low pH level prevents swelling and holds the hair fibers together, thus preventing damage (1). Hair serum also protects your hair from the damaging effects of the sun, pollutants, other harmful chemicals, and heat styling tools. It helps moisturize dry hair or hair that has been damaged from color.

Now, let’s answer the question that is probably on your mind.

How Do You Know Whether You Should Use A Serum?

If you are using styling tools like curling or flat irons regularly, or if you feel that your hair is missing that bounce, then give it some extra moisture and nourishment in the form of hair serum. Your hair may look dull and brittle when it loses all the moisture. Also, it needs a bit of revitalization if you are constantly playing a tug of war with your hairbrush. Most people use a hair serum to prevent dry and damaged hair. Some start using it once their hair turns dull or tangled, while others might use it to protect it from the heat from hair styling tools. The following steps should help you pick and use the right hair serum.

How To Use A Hair Serum?

1. Find The Perfect Product For Your Hair Type

Like any other grooming product, every brand uses different ingredients that may benefit certain hair types and do very little for others. You must find the perfect product best suited for your hair type. You must also be aware of the ingredients used. This could often mean experimenting with a few products before finding the right one. Also, there is a misconception that people with fine hair cannot use any serums because serums will make their hair flat. But, in reality, those with fine hair also can use serums with lighter formulas. If you are one who styles their hair often, then you should opt for the products that also act against the heat damage from styling tools like curling or flat irons and blow dryers Always choose hair serums with keratin as an ingredient if your hair is already damaged. It can help put protein back in the hair. Hair serums can also be used as quick touch-ups on your hair any time throughout the day if your mane is looking dull and dry.

2. Wash Your Hair Thoroughly Before Application

One must remember that hair serum is only applied to shampooed hair. Unlike hair mousse or hair sprays, hair serum is primarily a source of nourishment for your hair, even though it does help to style and detangle it as well. The primary purpose of hair serum is to protect your hair against dust and grime. Hence, applying it on unwashed hair will defeat the purpose. Often, popular brands manufacture a complete range of hair grooming products that include shampoo, conditioner, and hair serum that are made to complement each other. Applying hair serum before washing your hair is the optional step. Some people find that it can help reduce frizz and dryness. If you are trying out a hair serum for the first time, use one that comes with a compatible shampoo and conditioner in the same hair care range. Shampoo your hair thoroughly, follow it up with a conditioner, and finally apply the hair serum.

3. How To Apply Serum To Your Hair

Depending on the length and density of your hair, take two to six drops of the hair serum and rub it between your palms. Hair serum is best applied on just-washed hair, so make sure your hair is towel-dried or slightly damp. Flip your hair forwards and start applying the serum on the hair that falls over your face, going upwards from the tips of your hair. Massage the tips, as the hair serum works well on split ends. Flip the hair back again, take two to four more drops of the serum, and massage it well, starting at the back and moving forward to the front of the hair. Once done, you can take a few more drops and apply the serum all over your hair for efficient application. Hair serums work best on damp hair. If you want to apply hair serum on your damp hair, then remember that blow-drying your hair is absolutely essential.

4. Post-Application Hair Care

Once you have applied the serum effectively to your hair, brush it downwards. This will help you easily detangle your hair. After applying the serum, make sure you blow-dry your hair until it is completely dry. This is important because damp hair can cause dust or grime to stick to your hair and scalp. If you use a hair straightener often, it is best to first apply serum and then go for the straightener. The serum will also protect your hair from any damage caused due to overheating and the resulting breakage. Make sure to brush your hair gently to remove any knots or tangles in the hair.

There are different types of hair serums available in the market for your hair type and purpose. Listed below are all the types of hair serums. Scroll down!

Types Of Hair Serum

1. Intense Moisturizing Hair Serum

Intense moisturizing hair serum is suitable for people who have unmanageable hair with split ends and flyaways. It helps to nourish, soften, and rehabilitate dry hair and add shine to your hair without making it greasy. This type of hair serum also protects your hair from sun rays and offers essential moisture to the hair.

2. Straightening Hair Serum

Hair straightening serums are specially formulated for hair styling. They help diminish frizz while straightening the hair. They are formulated with humidity-resistant formulas and offer super-straight, frizz-free, and smooth hair that lasts for a long time. You can also find hair serums for specific hair problems like split ends.

3. Hair Growth Serum

This type of serum is formulated with active ingredients that moisturize your scalp and improve the blood flow, which in turn, improves the scalp health. It also helps prevent hair breakage and improve hair strength along with encouraging the hair follicles to grow thicker and shinier hair. Hair serums can protect your hair from heat damage, reduce frizz, and also minimize dryness. However, you should consider the following points while choosing the right serum for your hair type.

How To Pick The Right Serum For Your Hair Type

Always go for a good brand even though it may cost a little more. Trying to cut down on the cost may not be a good idea when you want the desired results for your hair. Overusing hair serum can make your hair look limp rather than voluminous. Hence, limit the amount of serum while using. Let’s s find out how much is sufficient for your hair type in the next section.

How Much Serum Should You Use?

Remember that a little hair serum goes a long way. No matter how thick or long your hair is, applying too much hair serum can make your hair look limp rather than lustrous. Hence, limit the usage of the serum by only applying less than a pea-sized amount for fine hair and a quarter-sized amount for thick hair. Learn how to make a serum that helps nourish your hair at home in the next section.

Hair Serum For Different Hair Types: Recipes

Here are three simple and effective hair serum recipes that are good for dry, oily, and brittle hair types. As these contain natural and essential oils, they will help nourish your hair. For Oily Hair Those with oily hair should go for a light oil as a base for making their hair serum. Oils like coconut oil and jojoba oil are lighter than other oils. Hence, they can be perfect for oily hair and scalp. The excess oiliness of hair is caused by the excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands, which makes your hair look greasy all the time. Therefore, you should choose an essential oil that can control these glands. Lemon, peppermint, and geranium essential oils are light and suit oily hair the best. Process

Mix a few drops of any essential oil mentioned above with 100 ml of coconut or jojoba oil. Shake well and store this serum in a dark place in a tight screw-type bottle. Apply this oil to dry or damp hair to retain moisture and prevent excess oiliness. If you do not want to use it during the day (as it may make your hair look oily), you can always use this serum at night. Massage this serum all over your hair and scalp every night before going to bed.

For Dry Hair Those with dry hair are usually prone to split ends and breakage. Thick, concentrated, and moisturizing oils like castor oil should be selected as the serum base. For dry scalps, essential oils like rosewood and lavender work well. Process

Mix a few drops of any of these essential oils with 100 ml of pure castor oil. Shake well and store in an airtight bottle. If you feel that the consistency of the castor oil is very thick, you can add 20 ml of coconut oil to lighten the consistency. A daily massage with this serum on a dry scalp can result in beautiful, lustrous, and nourished hair without any split ends or dryness.

For Brittle Hair A concoction of lavender oil and aloe vera gel not only helps to restore health back in damaged hair but is also a wonderful remedy for brittle hair and promotes healthy hair growth.

Pour a cup of water into a pan and bring it to a boil. Add a tablespoon each of dried fenugreek and fresh basil leaves to the boiling water. Heat this mixture for another 15 minutes. Strain it and let it cool down. Then, add aloe vera gel to this mixture and mix. Add 100 ml of lavender oil to the mixture. Shake well and store in an airtight bottle. Apply this serum every alternate day on damp hair or just before hitting the bed to make brittle hair stronger.

If you use hair serum in limited quantities, it won’t cause any side effects. But, if you use too much hair serum, it can cause hair fall in the long run. Scroll down to know more.

Does Hair Serum Have Side Effects?

The chemicals in hair serums, like silicone, can cause adverse effects if you use them for a long time. Too much use of serum can cause severe hair fall and breakage. Some of them may dry out your mane and cause irritation, inflammation, hair loss, rash, or itchiness. If you want to stay away from any of these side effects, then reduce the frequency of application. Now, let’s answer a couple of frequently asked questions about serum!

What Is The Difference Between Hair Oil And Hair Serum?

Hair oil and serum may have similar textures but are not the same. The former is formulated to penetrate past the hair cuticles into the cortex of the fiber and is mainly used to nourish and improve hair health. Hair serum is used as a styling product to protect your hair, increase its shine, and reduce frizz. Can You Use Hair Serum Daily? Hair serums are not recommended for everyday use. Limit the use of serums to avoid hair damage like breakage and hair fall. But, if you have extremely unmanageable hair, you can use an oil-based serum every day. Can we apply the serum on oiled hair? Check out the below infographic to know when you should use hair serum, along with tips to follow. No. Hair serum should be applied after a hair wash to tame frizz and prevent the strands from drying out. Therefore, using it on oiled hair does not serve any purpose. Should I wash my hair after applying serum? You can wash your hair after applying serum if it feels too greasy. But it is not necessary.
