How Does Mugwort Work?

Mugwort is botanically called Artemisia vulgaris. It is also known as common wormwood, cronewort, felon herb, wild wormwood, and moxa. The plant has been historically used to inhibit menstrual pain (1). The leaves of the plant have a silvery fuzz on their underside, and they taste slightly bitter. Mugwort’s high antioxidant levels contribute to its benefits. Certain components of the plant may also aid cancer treatment. The most popular use of mugwort is in the process of moxibustion. Here, the mugwort leaves are gathered into sticks (like a cigar) and burnt over an acupuncture point to release energy. This helps treat pain. There are more ways in which mugwort can benefit you. We shall look at them now.

How Can Mugwort Help You?

The most important use of mugwort is in treating menstrual pain. This can be attributed to a technique (called moxibustion), which involves the introduction of heat over certain acupuncture points. This technique is also helpful in treating joint pains and reversing breech birth position.

1. Treats Menstrual Pain

Mugwort has been used to treat menstrual cramps. It was also used to stimulate the menstrual cycle. Studies show that moxibustion can help treat primary dysmenorrhea (the condition involving painful menstrual cramps). The process improves blood circulation in the uterus and its surrounding veins (2). It also resolves blood stagnation, leading to an improved health state. In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion has been employed to treat various gynecological issues – including menopausal hot flashes (3).

2. Helps Alleviate Joint Pain

Mugwort, when used in the moxibustion technique, can treat joint pains as well (4). Borneol, one of mugwort’s active components, could be responsible for its pain-relieving effects in arthritis (5). Moxibustion was also found to be superior to the usual care when it came to treating arthritis (6).

3. Reverses Breech Birth Position

Moxibustion with mugwort has its use here too. Just a few weeks before delivery, the head of the baby will naturally align towards the birth canal to prepare for the process. When this doesn’t happen (which is a rare case), it is called a breech birth. Moxibustion stimulates a specific trigger point near the toenail of the fifth toe. This creates blood circulation and pressure that eventually result in fetal movements. In a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association, moxibustion had successfully reversed the breech birth position in 75% of the cases (7). Moxibustion with mugwort is also effective in correcting nonvertex presentation (also called the breech presentation) as much, if not more, as oxytocin (a hormone released by the pituitary gland for increasing uterine contraction) (8).

4. May Help Prevent Cancer

Artemisinins, the fundamental components of the mugwort plant, were found to be toxic to cancer cells (9). Extracts of California mugwort were found to act against breast cancer cells (10). But this mugwort variant might attack the normal human cells too – so we recommend you exercise caution before using this to supplement cancer treatment. Also, you must consult with your doctor before opting for this supplement. Most of the research is in its preliminary stages. We need more information from clinical trials to arrive at a concrete conclusion. These are the few important ways mugwort can work wonders for you. But then, how do you use it?

How Is Mugwort Used?

Mugwort is used in various forms. These include:

Dried leaves Tinctures Extracts Pills Teas

The most popular use of mugwort is as a tea. Preparing the tea is quite simple:

You need one ounce of dried mugwort leaves and four cups of boiling water. Place the dried leaves in the cups of boiling water. Allow the leaves to boil for about 10 minutes. Strain. You can then have your tea. Store the unused tea in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

You can drink the tea up to three times a day. But before that, you may want to know about the possible ill effects of mugwort.

What Are The Side Effects Of Mugwort?

Possible Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Mugwort can cause the uterus to contract and trigger menstruation. This may cause miscarriage in pregnant women (11). There is not much information available about the effects of intake of mugwort by breastfeeding individuals. Hence, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it.


Individuals allergic to plants from the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family (including ragweed, marigolds, daisies, and chrysanthemums) may also experience allergies with mugwort. These include sneezing and other sinus-related symptoms, dermatitis, and rashes.

Can you smoke mugwort? Yes, you may want to smoke the plant before going to bed, though. That way, you may also experience its effects on your dreams (more research needed). You can smoke it the same way you smoke tobacco. But we recommend you check with your doctor before you do so. Is mugwort poisonous? Mugwort oil might be poisonous. It contains thujone, a toxic compound that can be fatal in large amounts under prolonged intake. Is mugwort the same as St John’s wort? No, even though they may grow in the same area, mugwort and St. John’s wort are very different. Is mugwort good for your liver? Yes, mugwort is suitable for various liver diseases, ranging from fatty liver disease to liver cancer (12). What does mugwort taste like to smoke? Mugwort has a lovely, moderately sweet flavor and is a gentle smoke.
