Several other factors may be responsible for your oily nose. They are: While you may get an oily nose any time during the day, it is annoying to discover a super shiny and slippery nose right after you wake up! While you cannot control the pore size as it is genetically predetermined, you can try various methods to control the oiliness on your nose.

How To Manage An Oily Nose

Topical Remedies

1. Retinoids

Topical retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A) can reduce the proliferation of sebocytes and control sebum production. Retinoids like tretinoin and tazarotene effectively reduce facial pore size, thus controlling sebum production. Though further studies are required to prove the sebosuppressive effects of retinoids, you may talk to your doctor and try using OTC retinoid products (1).

2. Green Tea

Studies have shown that 3% of green tea emulsion could reduce sebum synthesis in eight weeks. You can use topical cosmeceuticals having green tea as an ingredient to reduce the oiliness on your nose (1). Here are a few home remedies you may try to control the shine and oiliness on your nose. These homemade scrubs and masks may help remove excess sebum and dirt from the nose, minimize the pore size, and control excess oiliness.

Home Remedies For Oily Nose

1. Lemon And Sugar Scrub


2 tablespoons of sugar 4 tablespoons of lemon juice


2. Honey And Almond Scrub


4-5 almonds 2 tablespoons of honey


3. Apple Cider Vinegar And Water Toner


3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar ½ cup of filtered water Cotton ball


4. Fuller’s Earth And Sandalwood Mask


1 tablespoon of sandalwood paste 1 tablespoon of Fuller’s earth Rose water


5. Yogurt And Tomato Mask


1 small tomato 2 tablespoons of yogurt


6. Oats And Tomato Scrub


1 medium-sized tomato 2 tablespoons of powdered oats

Directions These home remedies may help reduce the oiliness temporarily. However, home remedies are not enough when dealing with an oily nose. You also have to take preventive measures. Caution: For people with sensitive skin, excessive sun exposure, and conditions like rosacea, using these home remedies may lead to skin rashes.

Tips To Prevent An Oily Nose

1. Avoid Washing Your Face Repeatedly

Frequent washing strips the natural oils from your face. Initially, your skin may feel squeaky clean, and tight. However, it will also produce more oils to combat this dryness. As a result, your skin may turn excessively oily. Always wash your face not more than twice a day.

2. Avoid Using Harsh Ingredients

Harsh chemicals like drying alcohol and artificial preservatives may cause excessive dryness and trigger the skin to produce excess oil. Always use a gentle and mild cleanser that does not contain alcohol and other harsh chemicals. If you have oily and acne-prone skin, you may use foaming face washes with salicylic acid.

3. Follow A Skin Care Routine

Follow a basic cleansing toning and moisturizing routine every day. Use serums, essences, and emulsions for your skin type. If you have oily skin, moisturize it with an oil-free moisturizing lotion/serum (if needed). This will prevent the skin from producing excess oil.

4. Opt For Oil-Free Makeup

Go for oil-free foundations that give a matte finish. If you have oily skin, you may try the stick foundation instead of the liquid ones. Also, ensure not to use heavy makeup to avoid clogging the pores. You may use setting powders or no-sebum mineral powders to set your makeup and prevent oiliness. Always remove your makeup before hitting the bed to allow your skin to breathe freely.

5. Drink Plenty Of Water

It is important to keep your skin hydrated from within. Dehydrated skin ends up producing excess sebum to keep itself moisturized. That is why drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

6. Take Care Of Your Diet

Avoid consuming processed foods, oily foods, fast foods, dairy, alcohol, and sugary beverages that can aggravate your oily nose problem. Consume a healthy diet that contains fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, and whole grains.

7. Reach Out To A Dermatologist

If your oily nose problem seems to intensify, you can reach out to a dermatologist and seek professional advice. Your dermatologist will be able to prescribe a proper course of treatment based on your specific condition. Knowing about your skin functions can help you deal with your oily nose issue.

In Conclusion

An oily nose is a common skin issue faced by many, especially those with oily skin. While you cannot shrink your pores overnight or eliminate the grease like magic, you can take measures to regulate the sebum production. A good and committed skin care routine can help your deal with an oily nose to a great deal. Follow the tips discussed in the article to keep your skin clear and reduce greasiness. What type of skin do I have if my nose is oily? If you have an oily T-zone and cheeks, your skin is oily. However, an oily T-zone and dry cheeks mean you have a combination skin type. How often should I exfoliate my oily nose? Exfoliate your oily nose note more than once a week.


Oily Skin: A review of Treatment Options, Dietary Patterns Associated with Sebum Content, Skin Hydration and pH, and Their Sex-Dependent Differences in Healthy Korean Adults, An update on the role of the sebaceous gland in the pathogenesis of acne,