Aloe Vera—A Brief

Scientific Name—Aloe barbadensis miller This medicinal plant needs no introduction as it finds its uses in almost every beauty and health product out there in the market. Technically, aloe vera is a stemless (or very short-stemmed) plant that grows up to 24 to 39 inches and has a very typical Sub-Saharan origin. But do not underestimate this pocket-sized powerhouse. The thick and fleshy green leaves are the ones that contain your medicinal cure for every health and skin woe. This gel is pretty gooey and readily available in the market. However, they’re often infused with certain chemicals to keep the gel stable. Aloe vera is grown in most of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world and holds a special place in the traditional Chinese, Middle-eastern and Indian herbal medicine streams. Also called as the ‘Lily of the Desert’, aloe vera contains about 200 biologically active components including essential vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, and E), minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, choline, selenium, and potassium) and amino acids (1). Yep, you read it right. Energy replenishment, skin injuries, burns, acne, acid reflux—name a condition, and you will find its cure in this amazing plant. The gel of aloe vera plant can be made into a clear juice which when had twice a day can save you from the health issues, and make your skin better. It also contains minerals such as germanium, iron, and copper—all of which have healing properties (1). What’s more, the religious usage of this juice helps trigger detoxification reaction in the body. If you are not fond of the bland taste of this juice, you can mix it with different special ingredients like citrus and honey to churn out the best from them. Plus, the excessive presence of vitamin C in the citrus fruits enhances the iron absorption in the body. Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Plus, the presence of polysaccharides and antioxidants in this plant helps provide immune-boosting benefits. Drinking aloe juice regularly is heart friendly too, because of the presence of B-sitosterol that prevents the cholesterol absorption in the system and aids in the lowering of triglyceride levels. Aloe vera also has strong laxative properties that work wonders when you are suffering from constipation (2). Well, that was all about the physical properties of this incredible plant. Keep reading to know the health benefits and process of how to make aloe vera gel.

The Best Way To Prepare Homemade Aloe Vera Juice

Now that you’ve identified the numerous health benefits of aloe vera, it’s time to know how to make aloe vera juice on your own. Homemade juice ensures the presence of all the essential nutrients, which are often lost in the commercialisation process. What’s more, it helps in extending the shelf life of the product. This is how to prepare aloe vera juice at home yourself:

1 large aloe vera leaf A sharp knife Spoon Small bowl Blender 3 cup water

Other Variations Of Aloe Vera Juice

The simple and plain aloe juice may not rouse the interests of many of us, including me. I personally won’t take anything that is bland or has no particular taste. Thus, I try to make other variations of a healthy treat that have other valuable additions that can further add on to the health factor of the particular item. Here are two of my tried and tested variations on how to make aloe vera juice:

1. Aloe Vera And Orange

Orange is my all-time favorite flavor, be it in popsicle or juice.

1 large healthy aloe leaf 1 tablespoon white vinegar (optional) 1 cup water 1 cup orange juice

2. Aloe Vera And Honey

Honey is another ingredient I swear by. But for this variation, you need to be of age. If you aren’t, parental discretion is advised (wink, wink).

1 cup aloe vera gel 1 cup honey

Tips And Warnings

Aloe Vera juice should be taken twice a day to reap most of the health benefits it offers.

Make sure you don’t take out more than four tablespoons of aloe gel at once. It will serve you for a day.

Refrigeration is a must. If you want, you can make a glass for later use (the same day only) and save it in the fridge.

Removal and blending of the aloe vera juice should be done as quickly as possible, as the gel is known to oxidize fast. Oxidation process will break down the aloe vera gel, and it might lead to losing of a certain number of nutrients.

It is super important to remove the latex of this plant, as its ingestion can cause diarrhea and severe stomach discomfort.

As you just saw, how to make aloe vera juice is a simple process. But it will most definitely ensure that you are away from all the possible additives and chemicals, providing health in the best way. Is it safe to drink aloe vera juice every day? The following infographic provides information about the uses of aloe vera juice, preparation, and storage. Check it out! Yes, it is safe to drink aloe vera juice every day. However, avoid overconsuming it as it may trigger diarrhea and cramping. Can we drink aloe vera juice directly? Yes, aloe vera juice can be consumed directly. You also can mix it with water, honey, or lemon juice to reduce the bitter taste. Can I boil aloe vera and drink it? Yes, aloe vera can be boiled for 10 minutes. However, ensure to cool it up to 5°C afterward to preserve its biological activity. Can we drink aloe vera juice on an empty stomach? Yes, you can drink aloe vera juice on an empty stomach. It helps better absorb nutrients.
