Meanwhile, the rough texture of baking powder works as a physical exfoliant on the skin and may help clean out your pores. Hence, using a lemon juice and baking powder face mask can help you address many skin issues. But keep in mind that both of them are potential irritants and should be used only on normal skin without any sensitive areas. Now that you know the individual benefits of lemon and baking soda, let’s see what these two can do together for our face.

Benefits Of Lemon And Baking Soda Mask

1. Detoxify The Skin

Baking soda has a grainy texture that can work as a physical exfoliant on your face and help in getting rid of dead skin cells. Meanwhile, lemon juice contains antioxidants that can fight free radical damage and detox the skin (2). So, lemon and baking soda together may work as a detoxifying mask for your face.

2. Removes Blackheads

Blackheads form when dirt gets stuck in the open pores of your skin. Since lemon juice helps remove oil and baking soda helps in exfoliating the face, this face mask may come in handy for removing blackheads.

3. Removes Whiteheads

Similar to blackheads, whiteheads form due to clogged dirt around your nose. A lemon and baking soda mask may help in removing these whiteheads.

4. Lightens Dark Spots And Hyperpigmentation

Lemon juice decreases melanini  XA broad term for a darkish natural pigment occurring in most organisms, particularly in the eyes, skin and hair. formation and hyperpigmentationi  XA condition with excessive melanin production resulting in areas of the skin turning darker than its surrounding surface.  (2). And, anecdotal evidence suggests that baking soda lightens the skin. Hence, using a lemon juice and baking soda face mask may help in lightening any dark spots. Now let’s find out how to make this face mask.

How To Use Lemon And Baking Soda On Your Face

There are a couple of ways to make a lemon juice and baking soda face mask. Check them out below: Caution: Lemon juice makes your skin photosensitive (i.e., it causes skin redness, itching, and burning). Therefore, apply sunscreen before stepping out into the sun after using these face masks.

1. How To Make A Lemon And Baking Soda Face Mask

What You Need

1 tablespoon of lemon juice 2 tablespoons of baking soda

What To Do   How Often You Should Do This Do it once a week. Note: This lemon juice and baking soda face mask may feel a bit tingly on your skin, but it is quite normal. However, if you feel a burning sensation on your face, wash it off immediately and dont use it again.

2. How To Make A Lemon And Baking Soda Face Mask With Honey

Honey possesses good antibacterial properties (3). Thus, it may help in effectively eliminating the bacteria that may be residing in your pores and wreaking havoc on your skin. Honey can also moisturize, soften, and soothe your skin (4). Thus, it makes this face pack more suitable for dry, sensitive skin. What You Need

1 tablespoon of honey 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of baking soda

What To Do   How Often You Should Do This Do it once a week.


Do lemon and baking soda brighten skin? Check out our infographic below and learn how to use lemon and baking soda for your skin! Yes. Lemon and baking soda can exfoliate your skin and brighten it. However, the blend may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, do a patch test before using it. Can baking soda damage skin? Yes. Baking soda is abrasive and it may cause skin irritation, rashes, and redness. Is baking soda good for pimples? It may help as baking soda has a drying effect. However, we do not recommend using baking soda on pimples. Use doctor-prescribed acne medication to soothe pimples and breakouts.
