What is Forehead Acne?

Acne on your forehead is identical to acne on any other part of your body. It begins to form when tiny glands beneath the skin’s surface become blocked. This may happen as a result of oils, debris, and dirt clogging your pores. Overactive sebaceous glands are the reason acne can develop on the forehead. These glands create a substance known as sebum, which can trap germs or dead skin cells on the skin. As a result, inflammation can grow over time, making pimples appear. There are many factors that can make you prone to forehead acne. Learn more about them in the next section.

What Causes Forehead Acne?

Some factors that increase your risk of developing acne include:

1. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes around puberty can cause the appearance of acne and pimples due to the changing levels of hormones in your body (1).

2. Stress

Many people have an incorrect understanding of the connection between stress and acne. Acne cannot be caused by stress directly. But, in some studies, stress has been found to aggravate acne (2).

3. Poor Hygiene

If you do not maintain good hygiene by washing your face and hair regularly, you are at the risk of getting acne on the forehead as the impurities in your skin can clog the pores and cause breakouts.

4. Use Of Comedogenic Products

If you use comedogenic cosmetic and skin care products, the pores in your skin can get clogged and result in breakouts and acne. Comedogenic products contain oils that can block your pores and cause pimples (1).

5. Medications Like Steroids

Acne can also be a result of taking medicines that can cause a hormonal imbalance in your body. These medications include lithium, steroids, and anticonvulsants (1).

6. Skin Irritation

Applying makeup on the forehead or wearing accessories like hats and headgears can irritate the skin and cause acne. Frequent forehead touching can also irritate skin and cause acne. If you are still wondering if there are any other factors that can cause forehead acne, check out the next section.

What Other Conditions Cause Forehead Breakouts?

There are many other factors that can directly or indirectly cause breakouts on your forehead. These include (1):

Infected hair follicles Fungal infection High glycemic diet Hair products Allergic reactions Skin conditions like rosacea and folliculitis

If you have a mild case of acne, the following natural remedies may help treat it.

How To Reduce Forehead Acne Naturally

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains active components that possess antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate acne and pimples on the forehead (3). You Will Need

Aloe vera gel (as required)

What You Have To Do

Dab a little aloe vera gel on the affected area. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse it off.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this 1 to 2 times daily.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce mild to moderate forehead acne (4). Its antibacterial nature may also fight the acne-causing bacteria. You Will Need

1-2 drops of tea tree oil 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil or any other carrier oil Cotton swabs

What You Have To Do

Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of any carrier oil. Mix well and dip a cotton swab in the mixture. Apply the swab to the affected areas. Leave it on overnight.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily. Note: Tea tree oil can cause skin irritation in some people and must be avoided if you are allergic to it.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar exhibits powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (5). This may help reduce the infection that causes acne and aid healing. You Will Need

1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar 3 tablespoons of water Cotton balls

What You Have To Do

Mix a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of water. Apply the mixture to a freshly cleansed face with a cotton ball. Leave it on overnight.

How Often You Should Do This Do this once daily or every alternate day. Note: Apple cider vinegar, if used undiluted, can cause burns and skin irritation.

4. Lemon Or Lime Juice

Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, vitamin C, whether it is topically applied or consumed, may help minimize acne (6). You Will Need

1 teaspoon of lemon juice 2-3 teaspoons of water Cotton balls

What You Have To Do

Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with two to three teaspoons of water. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it all over your face. Wash your face after 20-30 minutes. You can also drink a glass of fresh lime juice daily.

How Often You Should Do This Apply it once every alternate day. Note: Lemon juice can cause a stinging sensation and irritation. You should avoid this if you are allergic to lime juice. Lemon juice also makes your skin photosensitive. Hence, make sure you apply sunscreen before stepping out.

5. Green Tea Extract

Green tea contains polyphenols that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties (7). This may help soothe the forehead pimples and reduce sebum production, which, in turn, may help in combating acne. You Will Need

Used green tea bags

What You Have To Do

Take a couple of used green tea bags and refrigerate them. Place the cold tea bags on your forehead. Remove and rinse your face with water after 20-30 minutes.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily.

6. Honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help in fighting acne (8). You Will Need

Raw honey (as required)

What You Have To Do

Apply a small amount of raw honey to your forehead. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse it off.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily.

7. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and exhibit anti-inflammatory properties (9). This may be helpful in eliminating acne on your forehead. You Will Need

½ tomato

What You Have To Do

Cut a tomato in half. Gently rub one half of the tomato all over your face. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes before rinsing it off.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily.

8. Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid is non-comedogenic and can help cleanse your pores. It has also been found to treat comedonal and inflammatory acne (10). An ointment or cream that contains azelaic acid may help reduce the appearance of acne. You Will Need

Azelaic acid ointment

What You Have To Do

Take a dollop of the prescribed ointment and apply it to the affected area. Let this dry before you apply other cosmetic products.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily. Note: Avoid using any deep-cleansing astringent or facial cleanser when you are using an azelaic acid-based ointment. Do a patch test to determine if you are allergic to this formulation before trying out this remedy.

9. Zinc

Several studies have shown that zinc has anti-inflammatory properties and that it has an inhibitory effect on Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne (11), (12). This may prove to be helpful in reducing the appearance of acne on your forehead. You Will Need

Topical zinc products or zinc supplements

What You Have To Do

Take a dollop of the prescribed cream or gel on your fingertip and apply it to the affected area. Let it dry before you apply for other cosmetic products. Alternatively, you could take zinc supplements after consulting your dermatologist. Oral consumption may be more effective in severe cases of acne.

How Often You Should Do This You can do this once daily. Note: Do a patch test before trying out this remedy. Avoid using multiple acne-treatment creams. Do not opt for this remedy if you have sensitive skin. These remedies are natural and take time to show results. If you have severe acne, avail medical treatment after consulting a dermatologist.

Other Medical Treatments

Mild cases of pimples or acne on the forehead can be treated using over-the-counter medication in the form of ointments, creams, gels, or supplements. Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinol, and resorcinol are common OTC options (13). Benzoyl peroxide is known to be an antibacterial agent, while salicylic acid exhibits anti-inflammatory and comedolytic properties (13). This can help reduce the blockage of pores with sebum that can lead to acne. Retinol (vitamin A) and zinc supplements are other effective options to reduce acne (13). You can resort to over-the-counter medication, depending on the severity of the acne on your forehead. Make sure to consult your dermatologist before taking these medicines. If you are dealing with severe acne, your dermatologist will guide you about the treatment options you can follow. Now let’s take a look at the few tips to prevent the recurrence of forehead acne.

Tips To Prevent Forehead Acne

If you are looking for ways to prevent acne, the first step is to maintain excellent personal hygiene. Cleansing your face after exposure to pollution, grime, and dust can help prevent acne. Here are a few tips to prevent forehead acne:

Wash your face with a mild cleanser twice daily. Use a mild facial scrub at least once a week. Remove all makeup before you go to bed. Avoid using comedogenic facial products to prevent clogging the pores in your skin. Avoid eating foods with a high glycemic index (such as sugar, processed flour, pasta, etc.), chocolate, dairy products, etc. You must include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in your diet to prevent acne (14). Avoid wearing tight hats, helmets, or clothing that can trigger forehead acne. Avoid being exposed to the sun for long periods. Shower soon after strenuous physical activities. Pimples on the forehead are easy to treat and prevent if you follow a good skincare routine. Availing appropriate treatment or using natural remedies can provide you relief from forehead acne.

How long does it take to get rid of a forehead pimple? Acne usually takes 4-5 days to appear and another 4-5 days to go away completely. Larger lesions could take about a week to disappear. However, availing treatment can help in speeding up the healing. Is it safe to pop a pimple on your forehead? You should never pop a pimple on your own. Popping pimples not only increases your risk of developing more pimples in the affected area, but it also puts you at a high risk of scarring. How can I stop hormonal acne? Hormonal acne can be treated with oral contraceptives and anti-androgen drugs. Mild cases of hormonal acne can be treated with topical retinoids. Does ice help forehead acne? Using ice cubes can significantly reduce the pain caused by inflamed acne. Ice soothes inflammation by constricting the blood vessels when applied to acne or pimples (15). This provides immediate relief. Additionally, using ice packs helps to tighten skin pores so that bacteria and other contaminants cannot enter and clog them. What foods cause forehead acne? Research suggests that foods rich in sugar and dairy products can cause acne (and forehead acne) (16). What are the bumps on my forehead that aren’t pimples? Sometimes, forehead acne can look like tiny bumps. However, the bumps can also be milia, rosacea, contact dermatitis, folliculitis, or ringworm. You should visit the dermatologist for the right treatment option.
