5 Tips To Lighten Facial Hair

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, a nutrient widely used to treat pigmentation. It also is often used as an ingredient in cosmetic bleaching agents (1). Hence, it may help in lightening facial hair. You can use lemon juice as follows: Caution: Lemon juice extract can cause skin irritation. Do a patch test before trying this remedy.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric mixed with lemon juice can help in lightening facial hair. Lemon juice extract is rich in vitamin C that can aid in bleaching facial hair while turmeric has been used for ages to remove superfluous hair (2). Caution: The turmeric paste might leave a yellow tinge on your skin. Hence, don’t leave it on for a long time. Also, wear old clothes to prevent staining.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are great sources of vitamin C. Tomato paste mixed with lemon juice can aid in lightening facial hair.

4. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain. Papain extracts were found to have depilatory effects (3). The paste of papaya mixed well with lemon juice extracts can help lighten facial hair.

5. Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour is one of the oldest used remedies for facial hair removal. The paste of chickpea flour sticks to the skin as it dries. Upon rinsing, the fine hair that sticks to the paste can be removed easily. These are the ways you canlighten your facial hair. But why should you go for these options? Why not opt for commercial bleaching?

What Are The Side Effects Of Bleaching Facial Hair?

Commercial facial bleaches contain chemicals like hydrogen peroxide(4). Regular exposure to such chemicals can cause significant harm to your skin. The side effects caused by chemical bleaches include:

Skin irritation Itchy rashes Swelling Redness Skin discoloration

Does potato juice lighten facial hair? Potato juice can act as a bleaching agent and lighten facial hair. For this, you need to take a slice of potato and rub it onto your skin for about five minutes. Rinse thoroughly.You can repeat this two times a week. Does plucking chin hair make it grow worse? Hormonal or genetic factors control hair growth. Hence, plucking or tweezing chin hair does not make it grow worse. Does baking soda lighten facial hair? No. Using only baking soda may not lighten the facial hair. Instead, mix it with lemon juice and coconut oil to get the desired results. Does Vaseline lighten facial hair? No. Vaseline is occlusive. It can lock moisture to your skin but cannot lighten facial hair. Does sugar lighten facial hair? Using sugar alone may not lighten facial hair. However, you can mix it with lemon juice and use the blend as a scrub. Lemon juice has mild bleaching effects and may lighten facial hair.
