Cold Shower Vs Hot Shower

Let us have a look at the benefits of both cold water and hot water showers here:

Benefits Of A Cold Water Bath

Benefits Of A Hot Water Bath

How To Choose Between Cold And Hot Water Baths – As Per Ayurveda

Is it better to shower with cold or hot water? Ayurveda has got an answer for you. Ayurveda suggests that you must use hot water for the body and cold water for the head since washing your eyes and hair with hot water is not good for your health. Ayurveda suggests that the temperature of the water must be based on the following factors:

1. Based On Age

For youngsters, it is suggested to bathe with cold water. For old people, it is suggested to bathe with hot water. But if you’re a student and dedicated to spending more time on studies, bathing with cold water will be beneficial for you.

2. Based On The Body Type

If your body type is Pitta, it is better that you use cold water to take a bath, and if your body type is Kapha or Vata, use hot water.

3. Based On Diseases

If you’re suffering from any Pitta-related disease, such as indigestion or liver disorders, a cold water bath will be very beneficial for your health. And if you’re suffering from Kapha or Vata-related disorders, then a hot water bath is preferred. If you’re an epilepsy patient, both hot water and cold water bath are not recommended. Instead, take a bath with lukewarm water.

4. Based On Your Habits

If you work out regularly, a hot water bath is suggested.

5. Based On What Time You Bathe

If you bathe in the morning, it is good to bathe with cold water. But if you’re bathing at night, taking a hot water bath will help you feel relaxed. Since evening time is dominated by Vata, bathing with hot water will be beneficial.

How To Bathe According To Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, “A hurried bath is similar to hurried food, and your body does not reap all the benefits and get cleaned properly if you rush bathing.” To gain freshness, a good bathing experience is a must. You should follow the process slowly so that every part of your body is exposed properly to water. Here’s how you should bathe: Do cold showers burn fat? Cold water may increase metabolic rate and aid in burning calories which may result in weight loss (6). Does hot water damage skin? Yes, hot water may damage skin barrier function and cause skin dryness (7). How long should you take a hot bath for? You should ideally take a hot bath for 15 to 30 minutes.
