Since gelatin is generally derived from animals, it is not vegan. However, there are a few alternatives to gelatin that are not made from animal tissue. Find out what they are in the next section.

Alternatives To Gelatin

Since gelatin generally is made from pig and cow bones, it is not considered to be kosher or halal. Fortunately, there are plant and fruit-based alternatives that are vegan and can be used as a substitute to their meat-based counterpart.


This variety of gelatin is derived from cooked and pressed seaweed. Seaweed is boiled until it becomes a gel-like consistency, which is later pressed and dried. Once it dries, it is crushed into a fine or flaky powder. You can use agar-agar as a direct substitute for regular gelatin in most of your recipes. However, if your recipe requires citrus fruits like lemons and oranges, you will need to use double the amount required.


This is another variety of vegetarian gelatin that is also made from seaweed (Irish moss).


Pectin is fruit-based gelatin that is commonly found in citrus fruits. It is a commonly found ingredient in fruit-based yogurt, that helps enhance the flavor and mouthfeel. It is also used in homemade jams and jellies. You can choose any one of these three varieties of gelatin and add them to your recipe. Now let us see how nutritious gelatin is, in the next section.

Nutrition Values Of Gelatin

Nutritional value of gelation per 100g (1). From the above table, it is quite evident that gelatin is rich in protein and has zero sugar, fat, salt, and carbs. How exactly does this benefit your health? Find out in the next section.

Health Benefits Of Gelatin

Gelatin is rich in proteins, especially collagen and amino acids that benefit your health in numerous ways (2). Let’s find out what some of these potential health benefits are:

 Good For Your Bones And Joints

Gelatin contains amino acids like glutamic acid that are known to improve bone health (3). Research on rats suggests that gelatin might be helpful in improving the bone mineral content, thereby strengthening the bones (4). However further studies are required to determine its effectiveness on human bones.

 Good For Your Skin And Hair

Gelatin is also a rich source of collagen that is beneficial for your skin health and hair. Studies suggest that collagen may help keep your skin hydrated and moisturized (5). Gelatin might also help increase hair mass and volume. A study on volunteers in the age group of 21-28 years revealed that those who received gelatin supplements saw a 30% increase in hair mass and volume (6).

 Might Benefit Brain And Memory Functions

Gelatin also contains an amino acid called glycine that is known to improve memory function. According to a study, consuming glycine significantly improves the memory of young and middle-aged people (7). The study also suggests that it may help benefit those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. There is a small amount of research to suggest that glycine present in gelatin might also be useful in relieving the symptoms of OCD and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) (8).

 May Assist In Weight Loss

Gelatin might be helpful in losing weight as it is rich in protein and contains no carbs or fat. Studies suggest that consuming gelatin releases a hormone called ghrelin that makes you feel full and thereby makes you want to eat less (9). Studies have also shown that a high protein diet helps lower fat levels that might lead to weight loss (10).

 Might Help You Sleep Better

Glycine present in gelatin may have therapeutic effects that may help improve your sleep. Research suggests that oral administration of 3 grams of glycine before bedtime may help improve sleep and reduce sleepiness and fatigue during the daytime. Glycine might also help reduce your core temperature and increase the duration of REM sleep (rapid eye movement) (11).

 Might Improve Your Digestive Health

Gelatin contains glutamic acid that gets converted to glutamine when absorbed by your body. Glutamine is known to strengthen the lining of your gut wall by reducing its permeability and protecting it from bacterial infection. It may also help reduce inflammation in your gut (12).

 Might Slow Down The Growth Of Cancer

Studies on mice have shown that gelatin obtained from pigskin might reduce the size of cancerous tumors and increase life span (13). Further research is required to prove its effectiveness on humans. These potential health benefits of gelatin make it a good addition to your diet. Let us see if there are any side effects to eating gelatin.

Allergies And Adverse Effects

When it comes to allergies, studies suggest gelatin may cause allergic reactions to certain vaccinations that contain gelatin as a stabilizing agent (14). A report by the CDC suggests measles vaccinations that used gelatin as a stabilizing agent may have allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock (15). In the same report, the CDC also states that only a single case of such a reaction has been reported in the USA to date. Further research is required to establish a link between gelatin and its side effects on certain vaccinations. The USFDA has regarded gelatin to be generally safe for consumption (16). Having understood the benefits and side effects of gelatin, let us learn how to prepare gelatin at home in the next section.

How To Prepare Gelatin At Home

Gelatin can be prepared using the bones and ligaments of various animals. However, pork, beef, and chicken bones are the most commonly used. Here is how you can prepare gelatin at home. Ingredients Required

 4-5 pounds of beef, pork, or chicken bones and connective tissue.  1 tablespoon of salt  2-3 liters of water

Preparation Making gelatin at home is fairly simple, but it can be a time-consuming process. If you don’t have the time to make gelatin from scratch, you can buy it from a grocery store. However, if you have made gelatin from scratch, you need to know how to store and preserve it. Learn more about this in the next section.

Tips For Storing Gelatin

Freshly prepared gelatin can be stored for up to a week in the fridge, and up to a year when frozen. You can also add fruit flavoring agents to freshly prepared gelatin and make ice cubes for later use. Let’s put that gelatin to good use with some easy recipes.

Gelatin Recipes

Here are a few simple recipes you can try using freshly made or store-bought gelatin. The first recipe is for homemade jello

Homemade Jello

Ingredients Required

 4 cups of fruit juice of your choice or fruit concentrate  2 tablespoons of unflavoured gelatin powder  2 tablespoons of honey or agave

Preparation The next recipe is for an easy creamy gelatin dessert.

Creamy gelatin dessert

Ingredients Required

 6 ounces of lemon-flavored gelatin  4 cups of water  2 cups of mini marshmallows  4 ripe bananas, sliced  20 ounces of canned pineapple  ½ cup of sugar  2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour  2 tablespoons of butter  1 cup of heavy whipping cream  ½ cup of chopped walnuts

Preparation Try these recipes at home and enjoy them with your friends and family. In conclusion, gelatin is a protein-based product that is obtained from boiling bones and connective tissues of animals. Vegans can use plant-based gelatin alternatives such as aga-agar, pectin, and carrageenan. Gelatin contains amino acids such as glycine and glutamic acids that give it numerous potential health benefits. The USFDA deems gelatin as generally safe to consume. How much gelatin should I take daily? Eating up to 10 grams of gelatin for up to six months is considered safe. Can gelatin tighten skin? Gelatin may help promote skin elasticity and firmness. It may also help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Which is better: gelatin or collagen? The intake of collagen in supplement form is better when compared with gelatin. At the same time, gelatin is great for preparing desserts or jellies. Is gelatin anti-aging? Gelatin may help reduce the signs of aging. However, limited research is available in this regard.
