So, it is no wonder that many people believe that crystals can help in hair growth. Keep reading to find out more.

Why Do People Use Crystals For Growing Hair?

The energy radiated by crystals is said to have healing properties. Thus, it is widely believed that crystals can promote hair growth by stimulating the scalp with their distinctive energy. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Can Crystals Help With Hair Growth?

No, there is no verified scientific evidence that crystals can help with hair growth. Any purported health benefits are said to be a result of the placebo effect. In general, crystal healing comes under pseudoscience. There are few staunch proponents who promote the use of crystals as a holistic approach to treat anxiety and stress. And, stress is believed to be one of the triggers for hair loss (1). So, combating stress may help in promoting hair growth. However, keep in mind that there is no proof that crystals can reduce stress. Crystals are often used to massage the scalp. Scalp massage is known to help in improving hair thickness (2). Improved blood circulation helps in better nutrient absorption. The natural oils from your scalp are also distributed evenly during a scalp massage, which nourishes and strengthens the hair. But, using a crystal to do a scalp massage seems to be of little relevance. Though there is no scientific evidence that crystals promote hair growth, there have been no side effects associated with using them either. So, if you want to try to use them, you can find out how in the next section.

How To Use Crystals For Hair Growth

According to anecdotal evidence, there are different ways to use crystals for hair growth.

The most popular method is crystal programming, where it is believed that crystals activate chakras (or energy centers) in the body. Scalp massages with crystals are also encouraged to stimulate blood circulation. Finally, water infused with crystals is used to rinse the hair to balance the energy.

Crystals need to be cleaned daily to remove dust and clear the energy fields.  This is done by passing them under running water and leaving them in the sunlight/moonlight for 6-12 hours. Those were a few of the ways to use crystals for hair growth. Keep reading to find out the most popular crystal used for hair growth.

 What Are The Best Crystals For Hair Growth?

It is believed that different types of crystals have different energy spectrums. Thus, it is important to choose the right crystal for your needs. Black onyx,  mookaite jasper, clear quartz, moonstone, and opal are popularly used for hair growth. It is also believed that you can use crystals for achieving long and shiny hair. These crystals are also believed to treat dandruff, hair loss, and lice infestation. Is rose quartz good for hair? Crystal healing practitioners claim that rose quartz gives out energies of love and positivity. Anecdotal evidence claims that it feels good to use rose quartz combs. However, if the purpose of combing is to stimulate the scalp, it can be done using any comb. There isn’t any scientific evidence to attest to the benefits of using rose quartz for hair. Does gua sha help hair growth? Yes. Gua sha tools can be used for acupressure to stimulate the scalp, which may promote hair growth. Is jade good for hair? Proponents of crystal healing believe that jade purifies and blesses everything it comes in contact with. However, a jade comb can massage the scalp and promote blood flow. This may help maintain your hair health.
