What Is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol, popularly known as Clen, is a bronchodilator and decongestant. It is a steroid-like substance, but not a steroid, and falls in the β2-agonist category. This drug causes the bronchial muscles to dilate (widen)and smoothen, thus opening up the airway. It is usually taken to prevent asthma attacks (3). It stimulates the beta-2 adrenergic receptors and has anti-catabolic and thermogenic effects. Clenbuterol is available in the market as clenbuterol hydrochloride (4). 

How Does Clenbuterol Aid Weight Loss? Is it Safe?

Clenbuterol is a thermogenic stimulant. Thermogenic chemicals are thought to increase the body’s metabolic rate and BMR. Increased energy and BMR make you lose weight (4). A study conducted on horses concluded that the administration of clenbuterol (0.8𝜇/kg) helps reduce body fat with no significant effect on body weight (5). Other studies conducted on horses and mice have found that long-term use of clenbuterol increases the gene expression of muscle components and lipid metabolizing enzymes, which causes lipolysis (fat breakdown) (6), (7), (8). So, it can be concluded that clenbuterol stimulates skeletal muscle growth, boosts metabolism, and aids in weight loss. Very limited studies have been done on humans to prove the weight-loss effects of clenbuterol, which is why it is banned by the FDA for human consumption. It is not safe to consume clenbuterol for weight loss without consulting doctor as its usage is very restricted.

Clenbuterol Dosage For Weight Loss

The recommended dosage of clenbuterol for the treatment of bronchial asthma is 20-30 µg, twice daily. However, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, bodybuilders and athletes abuse this drug by taking 60-120 µg per day along with other performance-enhancing drugs (9). Bodybuilders, celebrities, models, athletes, and dieters take clenbuterol in “cutting cycles.” The continuous intake of this drug leads the body to build a tolerance to it, making the beta-2 adrenoreceptors become less sensitive to it. Hence, it is usually taken in the following cycles:

Two weeks on – Two weeks off Two days on – Two days off

You must be wondering how much weight one can possibly lose with the help of clenbuterol. Check out the answer below. 

How Much Weight Loss Is Expected Of Clenbuterol?

It depends on the approach and the level of lifestyle changes one makes in their daily life. It is reported that following the above dosage, eating healthy, working out, and getting proper rest results in 3-4 pounds weight loss per week. However, clenbuterol is still not recommended for weight loss as it has many dangerous side effects. Check them out in the next section.

Clenbuterol Side Effects

A case study has reported that the ingestion of 20 𝜇g of clenbuterol (which is the lowest reported dose of clenbuterol exposure leading to toxicity) results in tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), electrolyte imbalance, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and increased blood pressure (10). Once you get used to seeing yourself fit and active, you can get addicted. And once you stop using the drug, you may experience withdrawal symptoms and stress. Clenbuterol may cause a decrease in the body’s taurine and potassium stores, which can result in muscle cramping. You may also experience headaches, shaking hands, and excessive appetite.

The Best Thing About Clenbuterol

Most weight loss pills and diets lead to loss of lean muscle mass. But, that is not the case with clenbuterol. Clenbuterol is catabolic, which means it breaks down fat, but it is also anabolic, meaning it prevents the loss of muscle but stimulates the growth of skeletal mass (7), (8). As you build muscle and skeletal mass, your weight on the scale may not show much difference, but you will see a leaner and toned body. This is because muscle is denser than fat, so 1lb muscle looks leaner than 1lb fat. This is why Clenbuterol is so popular amongst bodybuilders. Here is a list of popular trade names of clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol Trade Names

Clenbuterol Clenabol Clenbutaroll Ventipulmin Sopharma Clen Spiropent Clenbuterol Hydrochloride

But the biggest question is, can you take clenbuterol for weight loss? Here’s what you should know.

Can You Take Clenbuterol For Weight Loss?

If you are 10-15 lbs overweight, you can take clenbuterol under the guidance of a medical professional. It acts the best when you are in good shape and want to get in better shape. But if you are very obese and need to lose a lot of weight, clenbuterol is not for you. Your weight loss should be initiated under the supervision of an experienced professional with proper nutrition, exercise, and supplements. After you lose a good amount of fat, you may use clenbuterol to get rid of the last bit of fat and build muscle mass.

Is Clenbuterol Safe For Weight Loss?

Always consult your doctor before using clenbuterol for weight loss. Like other drugs, it may not be safe if you overuse or misuse it. If your doctor does not give you the clearance to use clenbuterol, you should simply not use it. Avoid it if you are suffering from heart disease, anxiety, and hypertension. It can also pose serious health risks if you overdose yourself to lose weight quickly. When taken in proper dosages under the guidance of a professional, you can reap the many benefits of clenbuterol. Here is the list of benefits of taking clenbuterol to lose weight.

Benefits Of Clenbuterol For Weight Loss

Clenbuterol increases muscle mass and lean fat mass. Being an anabolic drug, it increases skeletal muscle growth but decreases exercise duration and endurance (8), (11). When given to heart-operated rats, clenbuterol alone or in combination with mechanical unloading was found to improve heart function (12). The drug is usually taken with vitamins and other energy supplements, thus reducing the need for a very strict diet regimen. Though food is important even when you are subjecting yourself to such physically challenging activity, you can, at times, steal a day for yourself.

Is Clenbuterol Banned In A Few Countries?

Yes, Clenbuterol is banned in countries like the USA, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Canada, and many other countries. In these countries, you cannot buy clenbuterol as a supplement or weight-loss pill, but it is used for veterinary purposes. Outside the USA, it is available by prescription for the treatment of asthma (9). Clenbuterol was banned because some people had overdosed themselves and damaged their health seriously. Since the doctors could not control the overuse of this drug, it was finally banned. However, it is still legal in countries like China, India, Bulgaria, and Mexico. Can you take clenbuterol without exercise? No, it is not advisable to take clenbuterol without exercising. It may slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain. Can clenbuterol cause a stroke? Yes, clenbuterol may increase the risk of stroke if taken in excess. Hence, caution is advised. Does clenbuterol affect your hormones? No, clenbuterol may not affect the hormones. However, there is no quality research in this regard. Is clenbuterol good for cardio? Clenbuterol may improve stamina and is taken during cardio. But it may increase heart rate and palpitations and may negatively affect heart health. Hence, caution is advised. How long do the effects of clenbuterol last? The effects of clenbuterol last for 5- 8 hours.
