However, today, it is regaining its prominence as an effective laxative, an effective solution for enhancing hair and skin health, and an agent to induce labor. Castor oil enema is a go-to solution in many households and is preferred over other available options. Applying castor oil to skin and hair is also followed by many to retain a youthful look and to promote hair growth. In this article, we will be discussing castor oil, how it can act as a laxative, and how you can use castor oil enema to ease constipation. Continue reading to know more.

Castor Oil As Laxative

Castor oil’s role as a laxative has attracted a lot of attention. It is used to treat constipation and also to cleanse our bowels. It works by increasing the movement of the bowels, forcing the stool to squeeze out easily (1). Scientists wanted to find out how castor oil works and why it is such an effective laxative. The research has identified that the active element is ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that makes up about 90% of castor oil, binds to the muscle cells on the walls of the intestines and causes contractions (2). The scientific team also published its results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

How Can You Use Castor Oil As A Laxative?

Castor oil can be taken by mouth or in an enema through the rectum.

1. By Mouth:

2. In An Enema:

An oil enema can be tad messier than a regular enema, but just follow our advice to reduce the risk of spills and also derive the maximum benefits from your castor oil enema:

How Often Should You Take A Castor Oil Enema?

According to anecdotal evidence, you can go for it for three consecutive days without any problems. But we recommend that you ask your doctor and do as he says.


Do not take a castor oil enema if you are suffering from:

Cold or flu Indigestion Diabetes Diarrhea Obesity Consumption of poison

Benefits Of Castor Oil Enema

As stated earlier, the ricinoleic acid in castor oil causes contractions in the walls of the intestines that helps push the fecal matter out as stools. This helps relieve constipation. Castor oil also has the property to prevent the absorption of water from the intestines (3). This ensures easier passage of the waste. Its other castor oil enema benefits include (4), (5):

Softens stools Useful to treat arthritis Helpful in uterine contraction Alleviates back pain Reduces menstrual cramps Controls ‘Vata’

More research is warranted in this regard as most of these benefits are based on anecdotal evidence. Have you ever used castor oil? If so, what do you think of it? Do you know any castor oil enema recipes? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

How long does it take a castor oil enema to work? Anecdotal evidence suggests that a castor oil enema takes anywhere between 2 to 6 hours to work. However, in most cases, it helps relieve constipation within 3 hours. How long do you retain an oil enema? The duration for which you need to retain or hold an enema within your body depends on the oil being used. In the case of castor oil, you need to hold it for 30 minutes or so.
