It is difficult for women to lose weight after a certain age, especially after giving birth. We totally understand if you are struggling with it too. Don’t worry – take inspiration from Carrie Underwood’s weight loss journey and start taking baby steps. As new mothers, it is okay not to get your pre-baby body back quickly. Just pay attention to your diet and lifestyle to kickstart your weight loss. Scroll down to learn about how Carrie Underwood lost the post-baby flab and looks so fab now. Swipe up!

Carrie Underwood’s Diet

Carrie Underwood calls herself 95% vegan. She is not too particular about her food being absolutely vegan (no tantrums at restaurants). All that matters to her is where the food is sourced from. In an interview, Carrie Underwood revealed her love for food. She said, “I love eating and talking about food. I’ve been a vegetarian for seven years. But after seeing a friend who looked amazing and had recently gone vegan, I thought, what’s holding me back?” She added, “I’ll never eat meat again, because I look and feel better without it.” In a candid talk with SELF, Carrie Underwood talked about her diet. Here’s your number one tip from this seven-time Grammy winner!

Carrie Underwood’s Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do not skip it. It is fuel for your brain. Despite being a busy singer and mom, Carrie Underwood makes sure that she gets a good dose of protein and fiber the first thing in the morning. Breakfast for her is either “A vanilla smoothie with pea protein powder, half a banana, a cup of berries, almond milk and ice. Or I’ll make a tofu scramble with whatever I’ve got in the fridge, like spinach, onions and peppers, with salsa on top. If I’m working out in the morning, I’ll also have an orange or a grapefruit. And black coffee. I like a little caffeine boost!” She is not overdoing it – no fancy ingredients, no fuss. For a mom of two, nothing works better than a quick breakfast that you can consume while running behind your toddler with a spoon of Cerelac!

Carrie Underwood’s Lunch

Ever since she turned vegan, Carrie Underwood started consuming mock chicken. She loves throwing in some veggies with the mock chicken. “I do a stir-fry with pre-cut veggies. I like broccoli, carrots, broccoli slaw, fake chicken and onions. I eat it with brown rice and season it with Bragg Liquid Aminos, then I’m good to go. It’s a lot of food but not a lot of fat or calories.”

Carrie Underwood’s Snack

Everyone loves snacking! Carrie Underwood loves snacking on a protein bar. But, you have to be careful while buying a protein bar because some protein bars can be high in calories and contain additives. Check the label to know the nutrition values. I recommend that you make a batch of homemade protein bars with granola, dates, flaxseeds, black sesame seeds, and organic jaggery. You may also have popcorn or kale chips if you crave for something savory.

Carrie Underwood’s Dinner

Dinnertime is quite exciting for Carrie Underwood. She eats a vegan burger! It is all vegetables or has a piece of tofu in it. To be on the safe side, I would not recommend consuming a burger at night, especially if it is loaded with barbeque sauce. You may have 3 oz grilled fish or tofu with grilled veggies. A cup of mushroom soup or clear chicken soup will also serve the purpose.

Carrie Underwood’s Pre-Event Diet

Before any event, Carrie makes sure that she lays off starch. She told SELF, “I lay off starches. I’m not a fan of the nocarb thing; you’re going to get yourself in trouble that way. So I have lots of veggies and fruit but no other starches or bread.” Now, let’s get to the not-so-fun part – workout. Being married to NHL player Mike Fisher, Carrie Underwood gets her regular dose of exercise at the gym. Here’s what she does to keep herself fit.

Carrie Underwood’s Workout Routine

Carrie Underwood revealed, “I’ve been pretty consistent with exercise for the past several years. Growing up, I was semisporty but didn’t really do much. If I’d kept on that path, it wouldn’t have ended well! I’m from the South, where there’s a lot of fried food, and that’s bound to show.” So, how does she manage to burn all those calories? By playing cards! “I take a deck of cards and assign each suit a body area—say, diamonds for arms, hearts for legs, spades for core and clubs for cardio. I split the deck in half and write down exercises for each suit, a different one for each half.” And then, “flip over the six of hearts, I’ll do six squats. If the next card is ace of diamonds, that’s 14 push-ups. Sometimes I’ll make spades boxing and beat the crap out of the bag for however many punches the number on the card says.” She added, “Having different exercises for each half of the deck keeps me from getting bored. I make sure there’s a joker in each half—that’s a mile run on the treadmill. Then I go through the whole deck. With a 15-minute warm-up on the elliptical, it takes about an hour and a half total, but it’s fun because you’ve designed the workout yourself.”

Wow! Who would have thought about working out like that! Carrie Underwood loves working out with her husband. She said, “Mike and I worked out together—once. He wanted to do leg throws, where I lie down, he stands up and I grab his ankles and raise my legs in the air. The idea is for him to push my legs down so they touch the floor, then I lift up again. But he pushed them down so hard, my legs just hit the floor. I was like, ‘I’m smaller than you! Lighten up!’” Just like her diet, she also has a special workout before an event. Here’s what she does.

Pre-Event Workout

Before every event, she makes sure to get the right dose of exercise. Remember, vigorous workouts or more sets and reps don’t necessarily mean a better workout session. You can get tired and experience muscle pain. She revealed that she does “more cardio and fewer weights than usual. Although strength training is important, I don’t want to look too muscular on the red carpet. On the morning of this shoot, for instance, if I’d done weights, my muscles would be puffy and I’d have felt bigger all day.” So, new mommies and women who want to drop a few pounds – take care of your lifestyle. Eat clean, exercise, and spend time with your family and yourself. Remember, you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. As Carrie Underwood says, “I don’t feel like I have as much to prove. I want to look and feel good, and do well on stage, sure, but I also want to enjoy myself.” What size is Carrie Underwood? Carrie Underwood’s body measurements are: • Chest Size: 34 inches • Waist Size: 23 inches • Hips Size: 33 inches Does Carrie Underwood have a trainer? Carrie Underwood has been training with her trainer, Eve Overland, for over a decade. Together, they design workouts for Fit52, Carrie Underwood’s fitness app. Overland also helps the singer get performance-ready.