What Are The Benefits Of Magnolia Bark?

1. Improves Dental Health

Studies show that the antimicrobial properties that the bark contains can fight dental plaque. In the research, chewing gums containing magnolia bark, when assessed, were found to reduce dental plaque (1). And these very antimicrobial properties also help one fight bad breath. Magnolia can also fight cavities, as per studies (2). Another Italian study particularly speaks of how magnolia extract can reduce the volatile sulfur-containing compounds in the oral cavity and improve overall teeth health (3).

2. Magnolia Bark Can Lower Blood Pressure

Honokiol, one compound in the magnolia bark, was found to relax the aortas and lower blood pressure (4). Though we need more research on this, this sure is a step in the right direction.

3. Fights Inflammation

Magnolia bark extract, when administered to cells, had reduced the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines – compounds that lead to inflammation (5). The bark can also reduce the pain that is caused by inflammation. Two compounds in magnolia bark, honokiol and magnolol, were found to reduce the pain that was a result of bodily inflammation (6).

4. Relieves Menopause Symptoms

Comparative studies between magnolia bark and soy isoflavones in treating menopausal symptoms offered interesting results – the bark was able to treat anxiety, which is one of the symptoms in menopausal women (7). In fact, adding the bark extract to isoflavones further improved the symptoms – the combination could effectively combat insomnia, irritability, depressed mood, and even loss of libido (common symptoms during menopause) (8).

5. Can Aid Diabetes Treatment

Some of the major bioactive compounds in magnolia bark were found to contribute to glycemic control – and this is a boon for diabetics (9). These compounds, upon further research, were also found to possess hypoglycemic bioactivity – meaning they have the ability to lower blood sugar levels. Magnolia bark is also effective against oxidative damage of the liver, which can happen in severe cases of diabetes (10).

6. Helps Fight Cancer

The honokiol in magnolia bark can fight cancer in a number of ways. In fact, in one animal study, the combination of radiation and honokiol caused a greater reduction in tumor volumes as opposed to using radiation alone (11). Honokiol was also found to block a specific cancer pathway that was previously thought to be resistant to drugs (12). In yet another study, honokiol was found to prevent breast cancer – which could otherwise be caused by leptin, one hormone closely associated with obesity (13).

7. Fights Depression And Boosts Cognitive Health

A mixture of honokiol and magnolol (the two compounds in magnolia bark) was found to offer antidepressant benefits, according to studies (14). These two compounds also increase the serotonin levels in the prefrontal cortex, the low levels of which are linked to depression (15). Honokiol and magnolol are also linked to elevated levels of noradrenaline, which is associated with improved alertness and concentration, along with enhanced emotions. Further research also shows us how magnolia bark can reduce memory loss and help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s (16).

8. Helps Treat Insomnia

By lowering cortisol levels, magnolia bark relaxes the body and the mind. Taking this herb right before you go to bed can help combat sleeplessness as it promotes rapid drowsiness. Ensure you don’t take it during the day or while driving or operating heavy machinery – for obvious reasons. Research also shows us that the honokiol in magnolia bark promotes non-rapid eye movement, thereby treating insomnia and helping the body and mind relax and drift to sleep (17).

9. Might Promote Weight Loss

Some research shows how magnolia bark could reduce body fat mass in mice. And the honokiol in the bark had decreased insulin resistance, thereby preventing fat storage (18). Well, these are the benefits. We know you already are thinking of including this bark in your diet. But how?

How To Consume Magnolia Bark Extract

The bark (or the extract) is quite soluble in water. Hence, you can mix it in a glass of plain water or juice. You can also add the extract to your breakfast smoothie. Other ingredients in the smoothie can help mask the bark’s taste in case it doesn’t appeal to you. The dosage of the extract should be between 250 to 500 mg per day.  Great. But does this mean anybody can take the extract? Maybe not. There are certain things to be kept in mind.

What Are The Side Effects Of Magnolia Bark?

Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Some research suggests that taking magnolia during pregnancy can cause uterus contractions and lead to miscarriage. Not enough is known about its effects on breastfeeding. Hence, stay safe and avoid use in both the cases.

Might Make Anesthesia Ineffective

Magnolia can slow down the nervous system due to its relaxing properties. This might be a problem during surgery as the anesthesia application may not be as effective. Stop use at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery. Does magnolia bark increase dopamine? Yes. There is an association between depression and depletion of monoamine (like dopamine) (19). Magnolia bark exhibits anti-depressant properties that may help improve dopamine levels. Is magnolia bark a blood thinner? Yes. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the presence of bioactive compounds in the stem bark of magnolia exhibits anticoagulant properties. However, limited data is available in this regard. Is magnolia bark a benzodiazepine? Magnolia bark contains a bioactive compound called magnolol, which induces sleep via benzodiazepine receptor (20). Is magnolia bark fat-soluble? Yes. Magnolia bark is fat-soluble.
