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How Can Thyme Cause Side Effects? What Are The Side Effects Of Thyme? How Can You Prevent These Side Effects?

How Can Thyme Cause Side Effects?

One reason could be that thyme belongs to the mint family. Sensitivity to plants in the mint family (like thyme or oregano, for example) is well known. If you are allergic to plants in this family, you could be allergic to thyme as well (1). Excess intake of thyme has also been associated with negative effects. This can be attributed to the volatile oils in the herb, which may cause issues in certain individuals.

What Are The Side Effects Of Thyme?

1. Can Cause Headaches

Studies show that thyme can activate the TRPA1 channel 1 in the human system, which can trigger migraine headaches (2). These channels are activated by the reactive oxygen species2 and are also present at the sites of inflammation during oxidative stress. Activation of TRPA1 channels was also found to trigger inflammation on sensory nerve endings, which are similar effects observed while smoking.

2. May Cause Asthma

Thymol, the main constituent of thyme, was recognized as a potent asthmagen. It is also a respiratory sensitizer, which can aggravate respiratory issues (3).

3. Can Lead To Skin Allergies

Farmers involved in processing thyme were found to have symptoms of contact dermatitis. This allergy, as per the study, was concluded to have been caused by thyme dust the farmers came in contact with during their occupation (4). Some other side effects of thyme have been reported. Though more research is required, it is important you know about them (5).


Allergic response to thyme may cause hypotension, as observed in a 45-year old man. Some sources even hint cardiac arrest upon the intake of thyme oil.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Oral thyme and its oil may lead to heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal irritation.

Endocrine Health

Thyme extracts may decrease the levels of the thyroid stimulating hormone, possibly harming the health of the endocrine system.

Urinary Tract Infections

Oral thyme might aggravate inflammation associated with urinary tract infections.

Muscle Weakness

Oral thyme may also cause muscle weakness in some individuals.

 Possible Issues During Pregnancy

Due to lack of sufficient data, thyme is also not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Those were the side effects of thyme. Is there a way you can prevent them? Let’s find out!

How Can You Prevent These Side Effects?

Be wary of the dosage. There is no specific dosage for thyme, and it all depends on the individual. Hence, consult your doctor and stick to the dosage suggested by them. Within limits, thyme should be okay. But if you happen to notice any side effects, stop use and contact your doctor immediately. Is thyme a blood thinner? Yes. Long-term consumption of thyme may reduce the formation of blood clots as it acts like an antithrombotic agent (6). Does thyme tea make you sleepy? Yes. Thyme has sedative properties and, hence, may depress your energy levels (7).

