Fake Friends Quotes And Sayings

What’s worse than a fake friend? A two-faced friend! Such friends go to any level to make you believe that they have your best interests in mind. However, it isn’t true at all, and you end up being distanced from your true friends.

Two-Faced Fake Friends Quotes

It is an accomplishment to unveil the true face of a fake friend finally. Pat yourself on the back for not falling into their trap, and enjoy the funny quotes below as a reward for thinking on your feet.

Sassy Fake Friends Quotes

Remind yourself that even though it feels like you have lost a friend, you have instead gained perspective and saved yourself from potential emotional damage. Face this challenging time like the ferocious queen you are!

Savage Fake Friends Quotes

People can pretend to be your friend to either gain something from you or pull you down with them. Beware of such negative influences, and don’t let their ego-centric plans come to fruition. Nip such toxic friendships in the bud.

Selfish Fake Friends Quotes

Eleanor Roosevelt, the former first lady of the U.S., said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” This everlasting impression is proof of your friend’s unfaltering loyalty and belief in you. However, a fake friend’s loyalty is as fickle as the wind. It changes with your circumstances.

Quotes For Fake Friends’ Loyalty

Differentiating a real friend from a fake one can be tricky sometimes. The quotes in the next section pinpoint how true and false friendships feel to help you make better decisions. Keep scrolling!

Real Friends Vs. Fake Friends Quotes

With the world more inclined towards materialism, it is hard to find someone who is your friend without any ulterior motive. Head to the next section for quotes that reflect this bleak reality of fake friends being commonplace and true friendship being elusive.

Sarcastic Quotes About Fake Friends

You can get rid of fake friends once their reality becomes known. But what do you do when those people are also a part of your extended family? Stay on your toes, and don’t place your trust in them again. After all, isolation is better than an imposter’s company.

Fake Family Friends Quotes

Once you understand the reality of your fake friend, learn your lesson from experience, find hidden benefits in the negatives, and then move on. Whether you are dealing with poisonous friendships or an obligatory social interaction, cutting someone out of your life is a difficult decision. We hope these quotes help you determine the value of moving on from fake friends. What are the signs of fake friends? Fake friends do not punctuate their words with their actions. They hang around you only when they need you, hold you back from growing, manipulate you into doing their bidding, or shame you whenever you prioritize yourself. Your bond is one-sided; you do everything to hold on to them, but they only care about themselves. It is better to cut these friends off instead of trying to tolerate them and letting them drain you out. Can a friend ghost you? Yes. A friend can ghost you sometimes. However, this is most common in one-sided friendships. The person who ghosts the other was not really a friend. How do you avoid fake friends? Once you notice the sign of fake friends, do not hesitate to put your foot down and let them know that you wish to maintain a good distance from them. Do not share your thoughts and space with them. Do not let them manipulate you into keeping them around. You must reach out to your closest authority figure if they do not respect your wishes. There is no shame in taking help when someone is trying to bully you. Why does a friend become an enemy? Friends become enemies only when there has been a lot of trust, emotions, and sincerity invested in the bond, but there is a sense of betrayal from one or both sides. The more one has given to a friendship, the more pain they feel when the other hurts them. If they cannot communicate about it and forgive each other, they could turn into enemies.