Keep reading to learn more about this condition, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and how to treat it at household items. We have also talked about what diet to follow, foods to avoid, and some recommended yoga poses. Scroll down!

What Is Ascites?

In simple words, ascites is a bodily disorder caused due to the build-up of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This fluid can also travel to the chest cavity and cause difficulty in breathing. by putting pressure on the diaphragm, which then presses on the lungs (1, 2).

What Are The Types Of Ascites?

Liver cirrhosis is responsible for 85% of ascites. The table below lists the other types of ascites and what organ they are associated with (3). Some of the uncommon types of ascites are:

Refractory ascites – These are ascites that recur after treatment. The patient is prone to developing various hepatic complications in such cases (4).

Chylous ascites – This is an uncommon type of ascites. It is caused by leakage of lymph from a ruptured lymph vessel (5).

What Causes Ascites?

Ascites most commonly occurs due to structural damage of the liver, leading to improper function. A liver disease like cirrhosis is primarily accountable for ascites. Apart from this, cancers that affect different organs like the colon, stomach, liver, breast , and pancreas are another major cause that can lead to ascites. Other causes include:

Excessive alcohol intake, causing alcoholic liver disease leading to cirrhosis.

Excessive intake of sucrose and fructose, leading to nonalcoholic liver disease leading to cirrhosis.

Clots in the veins of the liver and heart


Kidney (nephrotic) issues (1, 2)

Note: There is an epidemic of nonalcoholic liver disease in younger people from the overconsumption of sucrose (table sugar) and fructose (from high fructose corn syrup sweeteners in soda).

Symptoms Of Ascites

Common symptoms of ascites are:

Enlarged abdomen Swollen legs Weight gain Bloating Indigestion, nausea, and/or vomiting Problem in breathing while lying down (1, 2)

Diagnosis Of Ascites

After a basic physical exam and investigation of your symptoms, ascites is diagnosed mainly by two methods.

Fluid sample – With a needle and syringe, a sample is taken from the abdomen, this fluid is tested for infection and cancer.

Imaging – MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound are done to get a better picture of what exactly is happening inside the body and causing the ascites.

Other tests that may be done are:

Urine analysis Kidney function tests Liver function tests Varied blood tests depending on other symptoms Electrolyte levels (1, 2)

There are several home remedies that can provide relief from ascites and its associated symptoms. We are not saying that you can cure ascites with these remedies – because the damage is already done. A person would have to change their lifestyle completely to begin to heal the liver. The best home remedies that can help you with relieving symptoms are listed below.

Home Treatments For Ascites And Useful Remedies

1. Epsom Salts Bath For Ascites

1 cup Epsom salt A bucket of warm water

Do this every alternate night (or every night). Epsom salts detoxify the body and soothe the swollen legs that are usually seen during ascites. They reduce the swelling and relax you (6). The magnesium ions in Epsom salts can be absorbed through the skin and assist the body in many of its metabolic functions.

2. Fenugreek Seeds For Ascites

A handful of fenugreek seeds A bowl of water Strainer or muslin cloth

Drink fenugreek water every day in the morning. When it comes to abdomen-related issues, fenugreek is surely one of the best forms of home treatment. It has hepatoprotective and anti-cancer effects. It reduces inflammation and helps in eliminating free radicals that are causing damage inside the body (7).

3. Garlic Juice For Ascites

3-4 cloves of garlic A small garlic press

Repeat this every morning. Garlic is easily available in every kitchen. People suffering from ascites can greatly benefit from this. The regular use of this simple ingredient can help to reduce the bloating and tenderness associated with ascites. Garlic is also said to possess anti-cancer properties (8).

4. Ginger For Ascites

1/2-1 inch long piece of ginger A cup of hot water Honey

Drink a cup of ginger thrice a day after every meal. Ginger, being a diuretic, removes excess water from the body through urine. It has potential as a home remedy for treating edema (9). It also works as an antitumorigenic agent on the cancer-associated ascites tumor cells (10).

5. Carrot Juice For Ascites

3-4 carrots Juicer

Drink carrot juice once every day. Fresh juices can really help to bring down the pain and swelling that comes with ascites. Carrot juice has mild diuretic effects on the body and helps regulate the digestion process. It also exerts a cleansing effect on the liver by aiding it to release excess bile and fats that have accumulated (11).

6. Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil Cotton flannel or undyed wool Plastic wrap Hot water bottle Container with a lid

Do this whenever you experience pain. Castor oil is known to open the lymphatic vessels and allow greater lymphatic circulation. This reduces the inflammation and pain.

7. Massage For Ascites

Castor oil You can use any other oil in place of castor oil as well. Repeat this daily. Massages feel heavenly, don’t they? A proper abdomen and back massage can really prove beneficial for those suffering from this liver disease. It helps to get rid of the gas, giving instant relief. It also mitigates the strain on the abdomen by helping the lymph to enter the venous system again (12).

8. Radish

Fresh radishes Juicer

Consuming a glass of radish juice once or twice a day can provide relief. Radish is considered to be good for the liver because it acts as a natural detoxifier (13). Radish is considered one of the key elements in treating ascites, especially in cases due to liver problems. You can also put radishes in your salad or eat them raw as well.

9. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd A glass of water

The patient needs to consume this at least thrice a day for rapid relief. Regular consumption of bitter gourd root juice gives instant relief from ascetic soreness. It is beneficial for treating liver disorders because of its tonic and antibilious properties (14).

10. Onions

Onions Add onions to your meals and salads or eat them raw. Include onions in your daily diet as it helps in getting rid of the fluid build-up. Onions are considered to be diuretic and eliminate toxins and excess fluids from the body (15). If eaten continuously for a couple of days, onions can offer relief from the symptoms associated with ascites.

11. Punarnava Herb

Punarnava root A glass of lukewarm water

Take this thrice a day. This Ayurvedic remedy is also referred to as Hogweed. It is one of the world’s best-known liver healers and is commonly used to treat ascites and dropsy. It has diuretic and expectorant effects on the body (16).

12. Dandelion Tea For Ascites

1 oz dandelion root 1 pint of boiling water 1 teaspoon honey

You can drink up to three cups of dandelion root tea in a day. Dandelion root, also known as gravel root, is a natural diuretic. It helps to reduce the excess fluid in the abdomen. It also aids digestion and has anti-inflammatory effects on the cirrhosis-affected liver (17).

13. Horse Gram Soup

1/2 cup horse gram 4 cups of water 1 tablespoon black peppercorns 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 1 chopped tomato A few coriander leaves

Have a cup of horse gram soup every day. Soup made from horse gram has proven to be effective in treating ascites. When taken in proper proportions on a daily basis, it shows its effect instantly as it is a diuretic and a tonic. Compared to other diuretics, horse gram contains lesser sodium and eliminates the excess fluids that have accumulated in the abdomen (18).

14. Buckthorn Roots

1 teaspoon buckthorn root powder A glass of lukewarm water

Ingest the buckthorn root with water, preferably in the morning hours. Repeat this every morning. Buckthorn root hasshave diuretic and laxative agents that help treat ascites effectively (19). Do not use this remedy if you are pregnant.

15. Milk Thistle

1-2 teaspoons of milk thistle 1 cup of hot water

Repeat this every morning. Milk thistle contains a compound called silymarin that acts as an antioxidant by combating free radicals and lipid peroxidation and also prevents the binding of toxins to the liver cells (20). Ascites can become serious without treatment. Its symptoms can be treated with the home remedies mentioned above. Most of these ingredients are easily available and can be made a part of a healthy diet.

Diet For A Patient With Ascites

Using home remedies will work only to a certain extent, or sometimes, hardly at all, if your diet is not healthy. A diet low in fats and cholesterol is recommended for patients with ascites. Here are some diet recommendations for you:

Use salt substitutes instead of regular salt.

Citrus fruits like mandarins, oranges, grapefruits, etc. are natural diuretics and will help you to remove the excess fluid from your abdomen.

Pineapple is also a natural diuretic. You can eat it by itself or drink the juice.

Mangoes are known to help relieve symptoms of ascites.

Oats are not only excellent for your heart but also for treatment of ascites. They are good diuretics as well.

Eat whole grains and foods rich in fiber.

Potassium and magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy vegetables, avocados, mushrooms, beets, and bananas should be consumed. They reduce water retention and lower blood pressure.

Consume significant portions of melons to stay healthy and fight ascites. Melons aid digestion and help in restoring body fluids.

Coconut water is rich in potassium and keeps the body hydrated.

Foods To Avoid With Ascites

Reducing table salt intake is important to treat ascites. Salt leads to liquid accumulation. However, sea salt, with its 72 minerals, can help by pulling water into the cells to help dilute these minerals and drive cellular metabolism.

Alcohol is one of the major causes of ascites. It should be avoided entirely.

Avoid high fructose corn syrup.

Milk and its derivatives may become difficult for the body to digest and are best avoided for ascites patients.

Avoid starchy food like rice, potato, corn, etc.

Stay away from items that cause flatulence.

Avoid processed food items as they contain high amounts of sodium.

It is always better to consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet.

Yoga For Ascites

The benefits of yoga are known to all. It stimulates blood and lymph flow in the body and helps in treating multiple ailments. For ascites, these three asanas or poses are recommended by yoga specialists.

Baddha Padmasana – Also called as the Locked Lotus Pose or Bound Lotus Pose, this asana stimulates chest development and also internally massages the abdominal organs. The circulation improves and excess fluid is directed either out of the body or back to the venous system.

Lolasana – Known otherwise as the Pendant Pose, this asana is a little higher on the difficulty level. However, it activates the body’s core excellently and helps to relieve the pressure in the abdomen.

Mayurasana – The delicate Peacock Pose, like the Pendant Pose, activates the abdominal muscles of the body and improves blood and lymph flow. It is a difficult pose and beginners can use some support to do it.

If you are a beginner, please do not attempt the yoga poses by yourself. Practice them under a specialist’s supervision to avoid any complications. In addition to these, it is also important to get good sleep as it heals the body cells, relaxes the body, and restores body homeostasis.

What is ascites in medical terms? Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling. This happens when there is an imbalance in the levels of plasma that flows in and out of the blood and lymph vessels (1, 2). Why does ascites occur in cirrhosis? In cirrhosis, the liver’s functions are impaired due to scarring of the liver tissue. There is high blood pressure in the venous system of the liver, i.e., there is portal vein hypertension. As a result of this, fluid accumulates in the abdomen. It is a complex process (20). What is ascites fluid? Ascites fluid is protein-containing serous fluid that collect in the abdominal cavity. What color is the abdominal fluid? The accumulated abdominal fluid is usually clear to pale yellow in color. What are the complications of ascites? Ascites, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications. These complications are related to infections or are due to the excess pressure that has built-up on the abdominal organs:

Bacterial peritonitis (infection of the ascitic fluid) Kidney failure Protein malnutrition Hepatic encephalopathy Severe liver complications (21)

Can ascites be prevented? Measures that aim at keeping your liver healthy work towards preventing ascites. Some preventions tips are listed below:

Stop drinking alcohol. Stop using high fructose corn syrup sweeteners. Exercise on a regular basis. Eat healthy food. Avoid smoking. Lower your table salt intake. Practice safe sex.

What is the outlook (prognosis) for ascites? Patients with ascites do not usually have a good prognosis. There is a mortality rate of 15% at a one-year interval. However, this outlook greatly depends on the underlying cause(22). What is malignant ascites? Malignant ascites is due to cancer and there ares malignant (cancer) cells in the ascitic fluid. These cancer cells are usually secondary malignancies of primary tumors of ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic, and uterine origin. Such patients have a very poor prognosis, and their treatment options need to be carefully weighed to avoid further complications (23). Cancer accounts for about 10% of ascites cases (24). What is an ascitic drain? When medications do not work in removing the fluid build-up, doctors opt for the ascitic drain. It is a process in which a tube is carefully inserted into the abdomen, and the ascitic fluid is drained out into a bag. This process is also called paracentesis (24). How long does it take for ascites to go down? The median survival of people with ascites that is not responding to treatment is approximately six months to one year (25). Can you live a full life with ascites? The life expectancy of a person with ascites usually depends on the intensity of the symptoms and underlying cause. Should you drink water with ascites? The intake of water is rarely restricted to less than 1 liter per day for people with ascites (26). Is egg good for ascites? Yes, but only egg whites are helpful for ascites. Do probiotics help with ascites? No. According to a study, the intake of probiotics does not help improve ascites (27).