The most prevalent causes of UTI are intercourse, pregnancy, menopause, retaining urine for lengthy periods, etc. Fever, a frequent urge to urinate, abdominal pain, and a burning sensation while urinating are common symptoms of UTI. While doctors frequently prescribe antibiotics to treat this ailment, several home remedies can help alleviate UTI symptoms and help avoid the ordeal from recurring in the future. Let’s start with an explanation of what a urinary tract infection is. Scroll down!

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection?

When bacteria, fungi, or virus infect any part of your urinary tract, it results in urinary tract infection or UTI. When the immune response of the body is down and due to unhygienic causes, these microbes are not eliminated by the body and remain inside the urinary system, causing an infection. Infection of the urethra is called urethritis, and that of the urinary bladder is called cystitis. At times, these microbes (usually bacteria) can also travel back up the urinary tract and cause infection in the kidneys (1). It is important to distinguish between a bladder infection (cystitis) and a kidney infection. A kidney infection is much more serious and can develop from an untreated bladder infection. Fever accompanies a kidney infection but is usually not present with a bladder infection.

Home Remedies For UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

Here are 19 of the most effective home remedies for UTI:

1. Cranberry Juice

Unsweetened cranberry juice Drink half a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice on a daily basis to prevent the infection. If you are already suffering from this infection, drink four glasses of this juice daily to protect your kidneys. Avoid adding any artificial sweetener to the juice. If the flavor of cranberry juice is too pungent for your liking, you could dilute it with apple juice and water. Remember that drinking lots of water during a UTI is very important. Drink at least four glasses of cranberry juice every day until the infection clears. Cranberries, members of the berry family, are excellent for treating UTI, especially in their juiced form. Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins that prevent the E.coli bacteria from crossing the urethra walls (2). They also possess antibiotic properties that help fight infections.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey Juice of half a lemon 1 cup water

Mix two tablespoons of ACV with lemon juice, honey, and water. Drink the concoction. Drink this healthy concoction twice a day until the infection clears. From shiny hair to pimple-free skin, there are numerous wonders that apple cider vinegar (ACV) is capable of, including the treatment of UTI. ACV is chock full of essential enzymes and nutrients such as potassium that inhibit bacteria that cause UTI to thrive (3). ACV is also rich in acetic acid, which promotes the growth of good bacteria and kills the bad bacteria. However, be aware that ACV can increase the acidity of the urine and increase burning and irritation. So, if this occurs, stop the ACV.

3. Baking Soda

1 tablespoon baking soda A glass of water

Mix the baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. Drink this concoction as frequently as possible. Baking soda exhibits properties that help fight UTI. It is alkaline in nature and helps neutralize the acidity of your urine when you are suffering from UTI (4). If your urine is less acidic, you should experience less pain and burning while urinating.

4. Garlic For UTI

3 cloves of garlic Medicated gauze

Repeat this process twice or thrice in a day. You can use a pessary containing up to five garlic cloves overnight. Continue doing this for three to four days. Garlic possesses strong antimicrobial properties. When inserted into the vagina, it can help kill the bacteria and/or fungi causing the UTI (5).

5. Yogurt

Plain yogurt (unflavored and unsweetened) Enjoy a bowl of yogurt after every meal. Since yogurt is good for overall health, make this a regular inclusion in your daily diet. One of the best (and tastiest) ways to keep both your bowel and bladder in good health is to ensure that your daily diet comprises at least one serving of yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotics that increase the concentration of good bacteria in your body while warding off the bad bacteria (6). Yogurt is also a great diet supplement when you are consuming antibiotics for UTI treatment as the antibiotics can create a shortage of good bacteria in your system.

6. Goldenseal

Goldenseal capsules/liquid extract You can buy an over-the-counter goldenseal capsule or its liquid extract from a drugstore and consume it as prescribed, which is usually one to two capsules daily. Continue taking this herbal supplement until the infection goes away. The compound berberine contained in goldenseal has the same effect on our body as proanthocyanidins contained in cranberries. Berberine prevents bacteria from attaching to the urethral walls, and thus prevents and treats UTI (7, 8).

7. Tea Tree Oil

10 drops tea tree oil Bathtub full of warm water

Mix the tea tree oil in the warm water and soak your body in it for a few minutes. Follow this procedure twice every day until the infection clears. A research study published in an issue of the Clinical Microbiology Reviews reported that tea tree oil has remarkable antibacterial properties and can even work as an alternative treatment to antibiotics (9). This oil has the capability of fighting bacteria like E. coli, Mycobacterium avium ATCC 4676, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. E. coli is one of the most common bacteria responsible for UTIs.

8. Uva Ursi

What You Need Dried uva ursi leaves Tea

Enjoy this tea twice or thrice a day until the infection clears Uva ursi is a popular herb that possesses remarkable therapeutic as well as curative benefits that help treat UTI. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that treat and prevent UTI (10). Ensure that you consult your doctor before consuming this as uva ursi does not suit everybody.

9. Vitamin C

Vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, bell peppers, papayas, broccoli, etc. Enjoy one serving of vitamin C-rich foods daily. Stick to one serving of citrus fruits every day until the infection clears. Citrus fruit is acidic. While some acidification of the urine can be beneficial, be aware that too much acid in your urine can increase the pain and cause a burning sensation during urination. Vitamin C plays a huge role in helping treat urinary tract infections. Foods such as oranges, berries, leafy greens, and bell peppers help acidify the urine and inhibit the growth of bacteria in your urinary tract (11). You can also consume vitamin C supplements.

10. Green Tea

1 green tea bag (decaffeinated) A cup of hot water

Brew a cup of green tea and have it every morning and evening Drink this tea twice a day every day until the infection clears. A study conducted in 2013 observed the antimicrobial activity of the catechins EGC on E.coli bacteria responsible for UTI (12). This research proved that a daily cup of green tea could not only help fight UTI but also prevent its recurrence.

11. Parsley Tea

[ Read: Home Remedies To Treat Cloudy Urine ]

2 bunches parsley 4 cups water

Drink this tea twice a day every day until the infection clears. Owing to its high flavonoid content, parsley tea contains rich anti-inflammatory properties that help fight inflammation. When used in your regular tea preparation, parsley acts as a great diuretic and rids your body of the infection-causing bacteria (13).

12. Lemon Juice For UTI

Juice of half a lemon A cup of warm water

Mix the lemon juice in the water and drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning. Include drinking lemon water in your daily routine to keep infections at bay. Lemon juice has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Drinking this juice daily will clear any infection that is lurking in any corner of the body. Lemon juice also contains antioxidants that will remove all harmful free radicals from the body (14). Note: Since lemon juice is acidic, rinse your mouth with plain water after you have your lemon drink and swallow.

13. Coconut Oil For Urinary Tract Infection

Virgin coconut oil Consume two to three tablespoons of coconut oil in a day. Repeat this until the UTI clears. The medium chain fatty acids present in coconut oil have been widely studied by scientists and have been proven to have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotzoal properties (15). Consuming this oil on a daily basis can help kill the microbes causing the urinary tract infection.

14. Pineapple For UTI

1 cup pineapple or juiced pineapple Consuming one cup of cut pineapple every day can help treat and prevent urinary tract infection. You can also drink pineapple juice every day. Eat at least one cup of pineapple every day until the infection clears. If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics to treat your UTI, supplementing the drugs with a daily dose of pineapple can expedite the process of recovery. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple enhances the effect of the antibiotic treatment of urinary tract infections (16).

15. Water

Water Unrefined sea salt

To prevent this infection, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Drink eight ounces of water every hour, every day until the infection clears. You can add ⅛ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt to every quart to help replace minerals that you may be flushing out with this treatment. Water is the foundation of life, yet it is the most underrated remedy for a variety of health concerns, including UTI. It is possibly the simplest and the most effective remedy for a urinary tract infection. Drinking plain water is essential as it flushes out the UTI-causing bacteria from your system by stimulating urination (17).

16. Blueberry Juice

Blueberries (whole or juiced) Include a handful of blueberries in your diet until the infection clears. There are many studies that tout the benefits of blueberries for preventing and fighting UTI. The compounds called proanthocyanidins contained in blueberries prevent the E.coli bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract, thereby fighting UTI (18). Since blueberries are antioxidant powerhouses, it’s a good idea to make them a permanent inclusion in your daily diet, even after the infection clears.

17. D’Mannose

A 2014 study reported in the British Journal of Urology found that D-mannose (the concentrated active ingredient in cranberry juice) was as effective as antibiotics for preventing recurrent UTIs, with no side effects. Like cranberry juice, the D-mannose sugar sticks to E. coli bacteria, so it can be flushed out when you urinate. It also activates the Tamm-Horsfall protein, which plays a key role in the body’s defense against UTIs.

18. Pico-Silver Solution

Silver is used medically to treat infection. Oral stabilized ionic silver can help eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract. Dosage: 2-4 tsp per day until the infection is gone.

19. Homeopathy

Cantharis or Causticum in the 12X potency taken every hour can be helpful for the burning pain of bladder infections. Staphysagria 6X or 30C can be taken every hour for postcoital irritation.

Note: Do not take chamomile tea with homeo¬¬pathic remedies as it can neutralize their action.


The home remedies and tips for urinary tract infections mentioned above help a great deal in preventing the infection. However, if you’re experiencing common UTI symptoms such as increased urge to urinate, a burning sensation while urinating, cramping, and cloudy urine for more than two to three days, don’t put off seeing a doctor. Without proper medical intervention, UTI can infect the kidneys and lead to more serious medical conditions. Maintain proper hygiene and good dietary habits to keep UTI at bay. Note: If you have to take a prescription antibiotic, ask your doctor for a urinary antiseptic, such as nitrofurantoin or nalidixic acid, which have their own set of side effects but do not affect the intestinal bacteria and cause yeast overgrowth. You can continue these remedies along with taking an antibiotic. Have you ever tried any of these remedies for UTI? Have they worked for you? Do let us know about your experience in the comments below.  What causes urinary tract infection in women? UTIs most often result due to bacteria present in rectum and anus that trigger infection when they migrate over to the urethra. E. coli is the most common bacteria that travel from the digestive system and cause the infection. Other microbes include Chlamydia and Mycoplasma, which are sexually transmitted (1).  How common are urinary tract infections? Urinary tract infections affect more than eight million women in the United States alone in a year. Women experience a UTI at least once in a year, with some women having recurrent infections of more than four to five times in a year.  What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection? The following symptoms are experienced if you are suffering from a UTI:

Pain or burning sensation while passing urine Frequent urge to pass urine, even though the bladder is not full Cloudy or bloody urine that smells Pain, cramps, and/or pressure in the lower belly Fever (from low to severe but usually with kidney infection) Weakness and lethargy (19, 20)

If you notice blood in your urine, please consult a doctor immediately. The urinary tract infection can affect the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis), ureters (ureteritis), and kidneys (pyelonephritis) (20).  What are the signs of a water infection? A bladder infection is also called as a water infection in colloquial language. The signs and symptoms for this are the same as for a UTI, as it is technically a UTI.  What not to eat if you have a urinary tract infection? The microbes causing the infection in the urinary tract feed on sugars, so it is essential to eliminate these from your diet as much as possible when recovering from a UTI. Avoid the following food items:

Sweetened juices Desserts, ice creams, cookies, or any sweet item Foods with caffeine in them like tea and coffee

 How does a woman get a urinary tract infection? The following reasons are usually responsible for women contracting a UTI:

Sexual intercourse Holding the urine for too long Using a birth control diaphragm that presses on the urethra Pregnancy Diabetes Estrogen loss during or after menopause Atrophy of the vaginal tissues with menopause causes drying and inflammation Wiping from back to front after passing stools (19)

 When does a UTI become a kidney infection? When the infection spreads from the other parts of the urinary tract, for example, the urethra or the ureters, to the kidneys, it can lead a kidney infection. This is known as pyelonephritis. This usually happens when the UTI is left untreated for long, allowing the bacteria to travel back and upwards in the ureters towards the kidneys (21). Fever is common with a kidney infection and can help distinguish it from a bladder infection. Also, a kidney infection will often be accompanied by low back pain.  How long does it take for a UTI to go away? A basic antibiotic course for a UTI is usually between three to five days for women and seven to 14 days for men. Using the appropriate home remedies and drinking plenty of fluids is the natural way to get rid of the UTI. If left untreated, a simple UTI can easily flare up and cause complications.  Can you get a UTI from tight pants? Wearing tight pants traps moisture in your private parts, making it a suitable environment for bacteria to thrive in. Hence, it is advised to wear loose pants with loose cotton underwear, especially when you suffer from repeated urinary tract infections. Some practitioners recommend washing underwear in boiling water to make sure that you do not become reinfected.  Can soda cause a urinary tract infection? Yes, soda can trigger a urinary tract infection. Most sodas contain sugar, caffeine, or artificial sweeteners, all of which are known to irritate the urinary tract and bladder and make them susceptible to contracting an infection. Does dehydration cause UTI? Yes, dehydration can increase the risk of UTI and also further aggravate the situation. Hence, taking adequate fluids is recommended (22).