However, remember, it’s not going to be easy. Mary Sabat, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, says, “Weight loss is not a magic pill, but when you want to lean out in 7 days, the key is to remove all processed foods, alcohol, grains, and complex carbohydrates and eat lean and green with some healthy fats.” While these home remedies may not burn all of the fat away by themselves, they will undoubtedly aid in fat burning and help your weight loss journey become quicker and smoother. Continue reading to learn more about them and how they may assist you.

In This Article

What Causes Weight Gain? 15 Natural Ways To Lose Weight At Home Diet Chart Prevention Tips

What Causes Weight Gain?

Sometimes, you may unintentionally gain weight without increasing your food intake or decreasing your physical activities. This may either be periodic, rapid, or continuous. Periodic weight gain is characterized by fluctuations in your weight every now and then or periodically. This is often witnessed during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Rapid and unintentional weight gain is often a side effect of a few medications, and in most cases, this is harmless. Continuous weight gain is gaining weight over time due to varying actors like advancing age or overeating. Here are some additional factors that are seen contributing to weight gain:

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, women tend to put on extra weight as a result of the growing fetus and placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood supply, and enlarged uterus.

Hormonal Changes: When a woman enters menopause, there is a decrease in the estrogen hormone. This can result in weight gain around the abdominal region and the hips.

Menstruation: Women experience water retention and bloating around that time of the month. This may also be accompanied by varying levels of estrogen and progesterone, which results in periodic weight gain.

Fluid Retention: Fluid retention is also known as edema. It causes your limbs, hands, feet, face or abdomen to look swollen and results in weight gain.

Medications: Certain medications like corticosteroids, antidepressants, birth control pills, and antipsychotic drugs are known to cause weight gain.

Whatever the reason for your weight gain may be, here are some natural remedies that can help you shed those extra pounds in as early as two weeks!

15 Natural Ways To Lose Weight Naturally At Home

How To Lose Weight Naturally

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 1 glass of warm water Honey (optional)

Drink this mixture twice daily. Apple cider vinegar, like white vinegar, is a rich source of acetic acid that exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity activities and promotes weight loss (2).

2. Green Tea

1 teaspoon of green tea 1 cup of hot water

Drink green tea twice to thrice daily. The regular intake of green tea can aid weight loss as well as weight maintenance (3). Green tea is a rich source of catechins and caffeine, both of which play a significant role in weight loss.

3. Lemon And Honey

½ lemon 1 teaspoon of honey 1 glass of warm water

Drink this 2 times daily. The combination of lemon juice and honey is a very popular remedy for weight loss. The vitamin C in the lemon helps in fat oxidation, and the honey exhibits lipid-lowering activities (4).

4. Black Pepper

1 teaspoon of black pepper powder Add a teaspoon of powdered black pepper to your tea, salad, or any dish. Do this daily. Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which gives it its pungent flavor. Piperine possesses fat reducing and lipid-lowering activities that can help you in losing weight (5).

5. Parsley Juice

1 cup of parsley leaves ½ cup of water ½ lemon Honey (optional)

Drink this once every morning for about 5 days and then again after a break of 10 days. The parsley and lemon juice blend is one of the best remedies for weight loss. Both parsley and lemon juice are rich sources of vitamin C, which aids digestion as well as fat oxidation (6), (7).

6. Cranberry Juice

1 glass of fresh, unsweetened cranberry juice Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink this juice 2 to 3 times daily, preferably before every meal. Cranberry juice has very less calories and is a great substitute for other juices. It is also a rich source of antioxidants that help in expelling the toxins from your body and boost your metabolism. This, in turn, may help boost weight loss. However, more research is warranted in this regard.

7. Aloe Vera Juice

1 cup of aloe juice Consume a cup of unsweetened aloe juice. Drink this juice once a day. Aloe vera juice can help reduce body weight with its powerful metabolic activities. It also may further help burn body fat (8). It also aids digestion and reduces inflammatory responses within your body, which facilitate loss of water weight as well.

8. Curry Leaves

7-8 curry leaves You must do this daily for a few days. Curry leaves reduce your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thereby helping you lose weight naturally (9). They also help resolve digestive issues as they contain enzymes that promote digestive health.

9. Cinnamon

½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder 1 glass of warm water ½ lemon Honey

Drink this once daily on an empty stomach. Cinnamon has been used for ages to combat obesity and reduce weight. These properties can be credited to its metabolic activities that also help in the treatment of heart disease and diabetes (10).

10. Cayenne Pepper

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 glass of water Honey

Do this once daily. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that boosts your metabolism and causes our body temperature to rise, thus aiding weight loss (11).

11. Ginger

1 teaspoon of grated ginger 1 cup of hot water Honey

Drink this thrice daily, preferably before every meal. Ginger promotes a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger pangs. It also enhances thermogenesis, which assists in burning the extra fat and helps you lose weight naturally (12).

12. Garlic

1-2 teaspoons of grated garlic You must do this twice daily. Garlic is another herb that can help you lose weight naturally. This is due to its natural anti-obesity properties and its ability to boost your body’s thermogenesis mechanism (13).

13. Coconut Oil

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil You must consume coconut oil once daily. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil may promote weight loss by enhancing the body’s metabolism and increasing satiety (14). However, more research is needed to understand the effects of excess intake of coconut oil.

14. Oolong Tea

1 teaspoon of oolong tea 1 cup of hot water Honey

Drink oolong tea thrice daily. Oolong tea is a Chinese beverage that is known to accelerate your metabolism, improve fat mobilization, and prevent fat cell proliferation (15). It not only aids weight loss but also helps you maintain your weight.

15. Yogurt

1 bowl of plain yogurt Consume a bowl of plain yogurt. Have yogurt once a day. Being a rich source of probiotics (good bacteria), yogurt improves your digestive system and may help boost metabolism. This, in turn, may facilitate weight loss if your diet throughout the day is maintained well (16). As amazing as the above remedies are, they are not magical. You need to make a few changes to your diet and lifestyle to assist these remedies and lose weight naturally. Listed below are some foods that you must add to your diet as well as eliminate to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Diet Chart

Best Foods For Weight Loss

Lean meat Fish Fruits Vegetables Skimmed milk Dry fruits and nuts

Foods To Avoid

Carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, etc. Frozen foods Sugar Alcohol Processed foods and drinks

Along with these dietary changes, you must also consider following the tips mentioned below for faster results and avoid gaining weight in the future.

Prevention Tips

Exercise at least 4 days a week. Lose weight naturally. Keep a check on your diet. Do not skip breakfast. Have small meals at regular intervals. Consume more complex carbohydrates and less of simple carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water. Include a moderate amount of protein in your diet to maintain and increase your muscle mass. Follow a sustainable balanced diet to lose overall body fat. Set a realistic goal.

Which part of the body loses fat first? Mary Sabat says, “The liver will release fat first and then the body releases fat from all areas of the body. It is a fallacy to think that we can spot reduce our weight loss.” Does chewing food slowly help you lose weight? According to Mary Sabat, “Chewing our food slowly helps stimulate digestive enzymes that will help break down food and improve digestion. How this could affect weight loss is controversial. Some might say if you digest your food properly and improve your digestion there may be some improvement in weight loss.” How to lose weight naturally without exercise? Jesse Feder, Clinical Dietitian at the Memorial Regional Hospital, says, “Without exercise, the best way to lose weight naturally is to reduce your overall caloric intake. This can be done by reducing portion sizes of your meals, drinking more water during meals, or all the above!” How does your weight affect your health? Putting on weight not only alters your appearance but also increases your risk of developing major health problems. Overweight people are more likely to develop heart disorders, strokes, diabetes, cancer, and even depression.
