In this article, we discuss the top 12 remedies that can help you bid goodbye to your dark elbows and knees effectively. Scroll down to know more!

What Causes Your Elbows And Knees To Become Dark?

Dark elbows or knees are a result of localized accumulation of darker skin. This may be triggered by a range of factors like:

Accumulation of dead skin cells on the affected area Exposure to the sun, resulting in hyperpigmentation Drugs like birth control pills Pregnancy, which may cause melasma Freckles Age spots Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema Inflammation or bruising from a previous injury

All these factors can cause dark skin or patches on your elbows and knees. Those with a darker skin tone are more susceptible to having dark elbows and knees. But no matter what the cause, the issue has several natural cures. And the most popular ones are listed below.

How To Lighten Dark Elbows And Knees Naturally

Home Remedies To Lighten Dark Knees And Elbows

1. Baking Soda

3 to 4 teaspoons of baking soda Water (as required)

Do this twice a week. Baking soda exhibits exfoliating and skin-lightening properties (1). It helps remove dead skin cells on the outer layer of your skin, thus revealing new and brighter-looking skin.

2. Lemon Juice With Sugar And Honey

1 lemon 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 tablespoon of honey

You can do this once every alternate day. Lemon, honey, and sugar make for an excellent skin-lightening scrub. Both lemon juice and honey have shown skin-lightening properties, and sugar is known for its exfoliating properties (2), (3). Hence, this remedy is perfect for treating dark elbows and knees.

3. Turmeric

2 teaspoons of turmeric powder Water (as required)

Do this once every alternate day for faster results. Turmeric has been used for skin lightening for ages. The curcumin it contains inhibits the activity of melanin (skin pigment) in your body, reducing the darkness of your elbows and knees (4).

4. Aloe Vera

1-2 tablespoons of freshly extracted aloe vera gel Do this once daily or every alternate day. Aloe vera contains aloin, a compound that has depigmenting properties (5). It helps you get rid of dark elbows and knees.

5. Olive Oil And Sugar

1 tablespoon of white or brown sugar 1 tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil

You can do this 2 to 3 times a week. While sugar helps in exfoliating the skin of your elbows and knees naturally, olive oil moisturizes your skin, thanks to its emollient properties (6). Together, these ingredients help treat dark elbows and knees.

6. Coconut Oil

1-2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil You must do this once daily. Coconut oil is a powerful emollient that can keep your elbows and knees moisturized (7). Lack of adequate moisture is one of the many causes for dark elbows and knees. Coconut oil treats dry skin and prevents it from getting any darker.

7. Potatoes

½ potato Follow this remedy once daily for best results. Potatoes contain catecholase, a skin-lightening enzyme. It has natural bleaching properties that help lighten your dark knees and elbows (8).

8. Gram Flour

1 heaped tablespoon of gram flour Water (as required)

You must do this once daily. Gram has amazing exfoliating properties (9). This makes it a popular remedy for treating dark knees and elbows.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide

1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution 1 tablespoon of water Cotton pads

Do this once daily for a couple of weeks to start seeing results. At high concentrations, hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties – which can help treat dark knees and elbows (10).

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons of honey

Do this once daily for a few weeks. Apple cider vinegar contains glycol and alpha hydroxy acids (12). These help clear the skin, improve its texture, and exfoliate dead skin cells – leading to lighter elbows and knees.

11. Essential Oils

a. Sandalwood Oil

12 drops of sandalwood essential oil 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Do this daily for a few weeks. The composition of sandalwood oil makes it a tyrosinase inhibitor, which helps lighten the skin (13).

b. Lemon Oil

12 drops of lemon oil 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Do this once daily for a few weeks. Like lemons, lemon oil also exhibits bleaching properties when applied topically (14). This makes it another excellent option for treating dark knees and elbows.

12. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter (as required) You must do this 1 to 2 times daily to keep your elbows and knees moisturized. Cocoa butter is a powerful moisturizer (15). It softens dry skin and eases the removal of dead skin cells. This moisturizing nature of cocoa butter works great in lightening dark elbows and knees. You can use any of the above remedies individually or in combination with other remedies to get the desired results. Once you have managed to treat your dark elbows and knees, you must strive to maintain the results. Here are a few tips that will help you.


Cleanse and moisturize your elbows and knees daily. Exfoliate your knees and elbows 2 to 3 times in a week. Always use sunscreen when you go out in the sun.

For most of you, the remedies and tips mentioned in this article should do the trick. However, if you do not observe any changes in your existing condition despite treatment, you might need to try something stronger for the underlying hyperpigmentation.

Other Treatments

Your dermatologist may prescribe over-the-counter medications that contain skin-lightening agents like:

Hydroquinone Lipo-hydroxy acid Kojic acid Licorice

For more severe cases of hyperpigmentation, your doctor may even ask you to undergo laser treatments. Even though these treatments may give faster results, they should be your last resort.

Check out the infographic below to find the most effective and easy remedies that promise faster results. Are dark elbows normal? No, the color of the elbows should ideally be the same as the color of the surrounding skin. However, dark elbows are common and may be caused due to hyperpigmentation, scarring, or underlying health conditions. How can I clean my elbows? Use a mild soap, lukewarm water, and circular motions to clean your elbows in the bath or shower. Pat dry with a soft and clean towel and moisturize the area.