Avocado is enriched with not only essential nutrients that are beneficial for your skin and hair health but also with 25 vital vitamins and minerals (1). Not only that, it is also a rich source of dietary fiber, protein, and many important phytochemicals (2). Avocado is more commonly known as alligator pear in Europe, butte fruit in India, and aguacate palta in Spanish. This amazingly beneficial fruit hails from Guam, Mexico, and other parts of Central America. However, many of its variants are now commonly found in Brazil, Colombia, West India, the Dominican Republic, and other parts of the world as well. Given its wide popularity and easy availability, it becomes all the more important to be aware of the side effects of avocado. To help you understand the possible risks better, we have summed them all up in this article for you. Scroll down and read on to know more!

Side Effects Of Avocados

Given below are the top avocado side effects here:

1. Avoid During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

It is not advisable to eat avocado during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It may reduce milk production. It can also cause damage to the mammary gland. If the breastfeeding mother consumes avocado in large amount, the baby will have an upset stomach. However, there is not enough research to support this claim.

2. Avocado Hypersensitivity

People suffering from hypersensitivity should avoid eating avocado. It may cause skin reaction or vomiting (3).

3. Avocado Causes Allergy

Avocado can have adverse effects, terrible skin issues with allergies being the major effect. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are hives, itching, skin redness, and eczema (4). [ Read: Home Remedies For Dust Allergy ]

4. Adverse Effects Of Avocado

Many people who consumed avocado suffered from adverse effects like flu, paralysis, nausea, gastrointestinal disorder, vomiting, migraine, fever, drowsiness, and asthma.

5. Liver Damage

One of the serious side effects of avocados is that it can damage liver health. There are certain types of avocado oil which may cause damage to your liver. Try to avoid Mexican avocado which consists of estragole and anethole. These elements have been tested for carcinogenic reactions. Thus, consumption of these may cause damage to the liver (5), (6). If you are suffering from compromised liver function and to avoid avocado oil side effects, stop eating this fruit.

6. Sensitivity To Latex

People who are sensitive to latex should avoid taking avocado as it increases the level of serum IgE antibodies in the body which may cause allergic reaction (7).

7. Reduce Cholesterol

You may be happy reading that avocado reduces cholesterol level. Yes, that’s true, but if you consume it in large amount, it will harm your body as it is rich in beta – sitosterol that absorbs necessary cholesterol from the body (8).

8. Restrict Its Consumption If You Are On Diet

Avocado is a high calorie food and it will increase your weight. So avoid eating them daily if you are on a diet. The high calorie content of avocado can be attributed to its healthy fats. That said, it does not elevate sugar levels as it contains very few carbs.

9. Cause Mouth Allergy

If avocado is consumed in adequate amounts then it may cause mouth allergy like itching sensation in the mouth and swelling tongue.

10. Drugs

Avocado in large amounts may decrease the effect of anti inflammatory medication. Hence, its excess consumption leads to blood thinning.

11. Gastrointestinal Irritation:

If you consume avocado in large amount, then you will have an upset stomach. It sometimes also causes gastrointestinal irritation (9). Excess intake of avocados may also cause constipation due to its high fiber content. On the other hand, the fruit is high in water too. Consuming the fruit in excess may make it difficult for your body to absorb all the water properly, potentially leading to diarrhea. Is it OK to eat avocado every day? Yes, avocado can be consumed every day in a limited quantity (50 grams a day), as consuming it in excess may trigger adverse effects like bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, and upset stomach. Do avocados clog your arteries? No. Avocados do not clog the arteries. They are loaded with healthy fats that benefit your heart.
