Find one that will appeal to both you and your crush. Finally, don’t give up if your attempts fail. Perhaps, there is someone out there who would appreciate your sense of humor and be happy that you are interested in them. Here are a few ideas!

101 Pick-Up Lines That Are Guaranteed To Work

A. Best Pick-Up Lines

B. Funny Pick-Up Lines

C. Cute Pick-Up Lines

D. Stupid Pick-Up Lines

E. Weird Pick-Up Lines

F. Amazing Pick-Up Lines

How to ask a girl for her phone number through pick-up lines? You can try pick-up lines like “There seems to be a devastating problem. I do not have your number.” You can try a funny or witty pick-up line to make her laugh and then respond with, “I’m only one call away.” Which pick-up line can impress your girl/crush? If you want to impress your crush, opt for witty and intelligent (but don’t be Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, unless she likes that). You can try something snarky and sarcastic, but don’t offend anyone. What are some pick-up lines to make her trust you? Honest pick-up lines about how she makes you feel are the best to make her trust you.