Anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy work best to counteract shoulder impingement and improve hand movement. In this post, experts talk about shoulder impingement, its causes and diagnosis, and 10 exercises that can help. Scroll down! To understand shoulder impingement and treat it, knowing what causes it is important. Scroll down for a list of factors that can cause shoulder impingement.
What Causes Shoulder Impingement?
Spatial Issue: Mechanical narrowing of the space above the ball-and-socket joint is a common cause of shoulder impingement (1). Poor Posture: Rounded upper back, shoulder blades positioned forward and tipped downward, and upper arm rotated inward. Stiffness: Loss of motion at any of the joints along the chain of the shoulders. Dr. Jordan Duncan, DC, says, “Decreased mobility of the thoracic spinei XThe middle section of the spine that starts at the base of the neck and ends at the bottom of the ribs. can also cause shoulder impingement.” Shoulder Instability: Injury typically causes abnormal motion of the shoulder.
Muscle Weakness: Weakness in muscles that support and move the shoulder blade and rotator cuff muscles (group of four muscles that enable shoulder and hand movements).
Overactive Muscles: The upper trapeziusi X Broad, triangular, and thin muscles that cover the upper back of the shoulders, neck and trunk. muscles can become overactive when a person is triggered into “fight or flight” by stress or fear. These muscles run along the sides of the neck out to the top of the shoulders. According to Stephanie Carter Kelley, Ph.D., “Tension you feel all day along the sides of your neck and chronic low-level stress causes shoulders to creep up to your ears by way of upper trapezius activity. When the upper traps are overactive, they ‘take over’ the movement of reaching overhead and don’t allow the supportive muscles to properly coordinate the complex movements.”
Your doctor will run a few tests to confirm shoulder impingement. Find out which tests are required in the section below.
How To Diagnose Shoulder Impingement
Dr. Jerome G. Enad, MD, says, “An evaluation by a shoulder specialist, sports medicine specialist, or a physical therapist is usually needed to accurately diagnose the occurrence and type of impingement. The diagnosis can typically be made with a hands-on evaluation and X-rays. Sometimes, an MRI is needed, but not always.” Dr. Robert W. Berghorn, Jr., DPT, ATC, USAW, explains the diagnosis process. He says, “I take my patients through a detailed question and answer portion first. From there, we find out what activities or movements bother the shoulder. Next, we go into a very detailed physical exam that includes motion testing, strength testing, and special tests.” The two tests that doctors perform are (2): Depending on the severity of the pain and the condition, doctors may recommend anti-inflammatoryi XThe property of a drug that helps reduce inflammation in the body as well as redness and pain. medications and exercise therapy (under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist). The following section lists out 10 exercises to rehabilitate the shoulder impingement syndrome. Take a look!
10 Shoulder Impingement Exercises To Reduce Pain
Apply a hot water bag to prep the muscles before starting the exercises. Start with fewer reps and increase them gradually. You can even add weights. Apply an ice pack after you complete the exercises. Dr. Jerome G. Enad, MD, advises “one should not ‘push through’ any fatigue or pain in the shoulder.” Let your physical therapist know if you experience pain and discomfort while exercising. With these points in mind, let’s begin with the shoulder impingement exercises.
1. Wall Slides
Stand facing a wall. Hold the edges (top) of a towel with each hand. Place a foot closer to the wall so that you are in a staggered position. Place your hands on the wall while you are still holding the towel. Slide your hands up as far as you can. Pause for a moment and return to the starting position. Do this 10 times twice or thrice a day.
2. Shoulder Scaption
Stand straight in front of a mirror. Hold a 1-pound dumbbell in each hand. Raise your hands in front of you in a ‘V’. This is the starting position. Lower your arms slowly. Raise your arms again. Do this 10-12 times twice a day.
3. Posterior Capsular Stretch
Sit on a chair and extend your affected arm in front of you. Bring the arm across your body. With the other hand, push the affected arm’s elbow further over. Count to 5 and relax. Do this 5-10 times twice a day.
4. Side-Lying External Rotation
Lie down on the unaffected side. Hold a 1-pound dumbbell with the other arm. Keep your elbow close to your body, and the upper arm perpendicular to the forearm. Move your arm up while keeping your elbow against your body. Pause for a moment and bring your arm back to the original position. Do this 10 times, two to three times a day.
Note: If holding a 1-pound weight causes discomfort, do this exercise without weights for a while. Instead of a dumbbell, you can also use low-resistance therapy bands.
5. Internal Rotation
Secure a resistance therapy band on a door handlebar. Sit on a chair. Hold the end of the band with your affected arm. Keep your elbow close to the body and place a rolled towel in between. Your upper arm and forearm should be perpendicular to each other. This is the starting position. Now, pull the resistance band towards your chest. Pause for a moment and relax. Do this 10-15 times twice a day.
6. Levator Scapulae Stretch
Sit on a chair and place your hand behind your shoulders. Turn your head towards the opposite direction at about 45 degrees. Place the other hand behind your head and lower your head. Pause for 5 seconds, feel the stretch, and release. Do this five times on each side two or three times a day.
7. Open Books
Lie down on your side with your knees at 90 degrees and both arms in front of you. Lift the top arm and rotate on to the opposite side without moving your lower torso. Keep looking at your hand and feel the stretch. Pause for three seconds and come back to the original position. Do this 5 times on each side twice a day.
8. Standing Rows
Secure a therapy band on a door handle. Hold the ends with your hands, keep your elbows bent and close to the body, and forearms at 90 degrees. Pull the bands backwards, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Count to 3 and relax. Do this 10 times twice a day.
9. Pectoral Stretch
Find a doorway and place the affected arm’s elbow against it. Your upper arms should be in line with your shoulders. Turn to the opposite side and feel the stretch on your upper and mid-chest, starting from the shoulder region. Count to 5 and relax. Do this 10 times twice a day.
Note: Don’t do this stretch if it hurts.
10. Shoulder W
Lie down on your belly. Position your arms such that the upper arm is in line with your shoulders and forearms are perpendicular to the upper arms. Lift both your arms off the floor. Pause for a second and relax. Do this 10-15 times.
These are the 10 exercises you can do to relieve shoulder pain due to impingement syndrome. However, it is best to do them after consulting an orthopedic doctor and under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
What Kind Of Physical Therapist Can Help?
Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jerome G. Enad, MD, advises that contacting a physical therapist experienced in shoulder and joint mobilizations can help treat shoulder impingement. Stephanie Carter Kelley, Ph.D. and a board-certified specialist in orthopedic physical therapy, recommends a physical therapist certified in orthopedics or sports. Upon examining the pain history and movements, they will provide therapeutic exercises you can perform in the clinic or at home.
How long does it take for shoulder impingement to heal? Generally shoulder impingement heals within 3 to 6 months, with the possibility of return to regular activities within 2 to 4 weeks. However, severe shoulder impingement may take years to heal fully. What does an impinged shoulder feel like? Individuals with an Impinged shoulder may feel stiffness, swelling and a throbbing sensation. Is massage good for shoulder impingement? Yes, massage therapy may facilitate shoulder impingement healing and reduce pain and inflammation associated with the condition. Which exercise to avoid during shoulder pain? Weightlifting, swimming, and throwing weights or balls should be avoided during shoulder pain.
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