Note: If you have lighter skin, turmeric will stain it yellow. How To Use Turmeric For Acne There are two ways to use turmeric to treat acne:

Consume ½ an inch of washed and peeled turmeric root first thing in the morning every day. You should start seeing results in about 3 weeks. Use a mortari  XA robust, hard bowl used to crush or grind materials with a pestle until they become powdered. and pestle to mash a 1-inch turmeric root. Add 1 teaspoon of gram or rice flour to it. Add a little water and mix well. Apply the mixture to your skin and wait for 15 minutes before washing with water. Do this on alternate days.

2. Neem

Neem leaves have antioxidant and antibacterial properties (2). A study with neem formulation showed a successful effect against Propionibacteriumi  XA class of rod-shaped, skin bacteria that grow well in low oxygen environments leading to acne. and Staphylococcusi  XA cluster of bacteria that are the source of numerous ailments cellulitis, furuncles, and abscesses (boils).  epidermis. Another study confirmed that neem is beneficial for reducing acne during the early or recovery phase (3). How To Use Neem For Acne You can use neem in two ways to treat acne:

Take 10 to 15 neem leaves from the apex (light green or reddish). Wash them thoroughly. Take 500 ml water in a saucepan and toss in the neem leaves. Boil the water until it reduces to half. Store the mix in the refrigerator. Drink it in the morning the next day (add a teaspoon of organic honey to sweeten it). Do this every day. Take 10 to 15 neem leaves from the apex. Wash them thoroughly. Use mortar and pestle to make a paste. Mix a teaspoon of neem paste with 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for 20 minutes before washing. If you feel itchy, add a teaspoon of rice powder to the mixture and apply. Do this on alternate days.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties. It is very effective against acne vulgaris (4). A study showed that consuming aloe vera juice helps reduce non-inflamed acne (5). Another study showed that applying aloe vera and topical retinoids is an effective treatment for mild to moderate acne (6). How To Use Aloe Vera For Acne You can either consume aloe vera juice or apply it to your skin:

Scoop out the gel from an aloe vera leaf. Toss it into the blender. Add 1 cup of water and blend. Pour into a glass, squeeze in some lime juice, and drink it in the morning and evening. Do it every day. Scoop out the aloe vera gel and blend it with a spoon. Mix 1 teaspoon of gram flour and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Apply it to your skin and wait for 20 minutes before washing it off. Do this on alternate days.

4. Tulsi or Basil

Basil has anti-acne properties and may also improve skin texture. Applying 3% basil cream showed a reduction in skin roughness (7). Another study showed that Thai sweet basil and Holy basil oils are effective against Propionibacterium acnes (8). How To Use Basil For Acne You can either consume basil or apply it to your skin:

Take 2 tulsi leaves, wash them properly, and chew them. Do this every day, first thing in the morning. Drink water to wash them down. Add 1 drop of basil oil to 2 teaspoons of fuller’s earth and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix well and apply it to your face. Wash off after 10 minutes. Do this twice a week.

5. Honey

Honey is widely used in ayurvedic remedies for treating various skin and health ailments. It has antibacterial properties and is found to inhibit at least 60 different strains of bacteria (9). How To Use Honey For Acne

Take a clean Q-tip. Dip it in organic honey (or manuka honey). Apply it to the affected area as a spot treatment. Wash off after 30 minutes.

6. Sandalwood

Both red and white sandalwood are suitable to treat acne. They have antimicrobial, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties. External application of sandalwood helps heal wounds and reduce inflammation (10). Sandalwood oil can also help treat various skin conditions like acne and psoriasis. However, do a patch test before using sandalwood oil, as many people are prone to developing an allergic reaction to it (11). How To Use Sandalwood For Acne

You can purchase red or white sandalwood powder or a small sandalwood and a rubbing stone. Take about 4 teaspoons of sandalwood and apply it to your face. Wash after it dries. Do this every other day to reduce acne and treat acne spots.

7. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help soothe and protect the skin (12). They are a natural source of salicylic acid that helps clear clogged pores (13). Studies have also found that consuming fenugreek seeds helps restore hormonal balance and reduces the symptoms of polycystic ovaries. Adult acne is one of the symptoms of PCOS (14), (15). How To Use Fenugreek For Acne There are two ways to use fenugreek to treat acne:

Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds overnight in 375 ml of water. Strain the water and drink it first thing in the morning. Do this every day. Toss the soaked seeds into a blender, add a little water, and blend into a smooth paste. Add 2 to 3 drops of lime juice and mix well. Apply it to your face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Do this on alternate days.

8. Papaya

Papayas are a good source of antioxidants like lycopenei  XA naturally occurring fat-soluble pigment mostly present in tomatoes and other red fruits that is considered to prevent cancer. and beta-carotenei  XA substance that lends plants their vibrant yellow, orange, and red colors. (16), (17). Papaya seed extract could be a more potent antioxidant than vitamin C. Reducing toxin buildup while promoting anti-aging benefits can help protect your skin from acne flare-ups and make your skin even-toned and glowing. How To Use Papaya For Acne You may use papaya in the following ways to treat acne:

Consume half a bowl of papaya as a snack. You may also add it to your smoothie. Do this on alternate days.

Note: Papaya also has a laxative effect.

Mash the papaya and apply it to your skin. Wash off after 20 minutes. You may also soak papaya seeds overnight, blend them in the morning, and apply them to your skin. Wash after 20 minutes. Do this on alternate days.

9. Potato

Potato juice is rich in antioxidants (18). Applying it to the skin helps soothe inflammation and gradually fade away scars (19). If you have dark acne scars, applying potato juice can help even out the skin tone and make your skin brighter. How To Use Potato For Acne

Wash and peel a small potato. Grate half of it and press to squeeze out the juice. Apply it immediately to your skin. Wait for 30 minutes before washing. Do this every day.

Note: You can also add turmeric and aloe vera to it. Potato juice can also be applied to dark circles.

10. Triphala

Triphala helps counteract acne from within. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It also helps keep your gut healthy and boosts immunity (20). These properties may make Triphala quite effective in treating various health and skin issues, including acne. How To Use Triphala For Acne

Mix 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder with 350 ml of water. Steep it overnight. Drink it first thing in the morning. Do this thrice a week.

Note: Triphala has a laxative effect. Consult your doctor before using it, especially if you have IBD/IBS or ulcers. These are the 10 best ayurvedic treatments for acne. However, these remedies alone may not help if you do not take care of your lifestyle and diet. Here are a few more tips that can help you reduce acne. Take a look.

More Tips To Get Rid Of Pimples And Acne

Drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day. Keep your face clean by washing it twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Apply a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. Stay away from processed and oily foods like pizza, salami, fried chicken, etc. Include more veggies and fruits in your diet. Consume juice and nuts as snacks. Exercise regularly. Reduce alcohol consumption. Avoid smoking. Use non-comedogenic products that do not contain harmful chemicals. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

These ayurvedic remedies and tips will work wonders. But you must also avoid doing things that can aggravate your acne. What are those? Find out in the section below.

What To Avoid

Avoid picking or squeezing your acne lesions. Avoid applying turmeric or honey to inflamed cystic acne. Avoid using retinoids if you have dry skin. Avoid using or consuming any of the treatments mentioned if you are allergic to them.

What does Ayurveda say about acne? According to Ayurveda, an imbalance of the three doshas – Pitta, Kapha, and Rakta – causes acne issues. Can giloy reduce pimples? Yes, the antibacterial properties of giloy can reduce acne issues (20). Can ashwagandha clear acne? Yes, ashwagandha may help clear acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties (21). Does shatavari help acne? Shatavari may help treat acne caused due to PMS or PCOS as it helps improve female reproductive health issues (22).
